Predictions For Helper

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I love how everybody is saying that people who were helpers before have more experience then people who haven't.
Lol because they actually have experience. Jsut because people make reports doesn't mean they have staff experience. I hope all of the former staff that apply get accepted.
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Say if a member who reported a LOT of players and got them banned, more then a staff member reported when they were staff and they both applied, who do you think would become a helper?

Well, there are a lot of factors we have to consider not just the fact a player or ex staff member has created lots of reports. Reporting players does contribute but things like
-Are they mature
-Are they responsible
-Can they work in a team
-Are they reliable
-Are they trustworthy
...and more

Are important too
It really depends on the person. But, the ex-staff has an advantage because he WAS staff, and he knows what Foxcraft's all about, and what the staff are looking for in a helper.
Lol because they actually have experience. Jsut because people make reports diesn't mean they have staff experience. I hope all of the former staff that apply get accepted.
I would too but don't you think that we need new staff members and not the same ones that resign and come back?
I would too but don't you think that we need new staff members and not the same ones that resign and come back?
It's the staff's choice. They'll choose whomever they think is best. Old staff members KNOW what's it like to be a helper, so they're likely more fit.
I jsut was thinking that we should jsut try to prove our point by jsut saying what we think.
I jsut think eftro jsut wants to be a helper real bad so he can jsut be cool. I jsut don't think he is mature enough to jsut be a helper.

Also... What is hell-pur? A cat from hell?
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I jsut think eftro jsut wants to be a helper real bad so he can jsut be cool. I jsut don't think he is mature enough to jsut be a helper.

Also... What is hell-pur? A cat from hell?
I'm jsut not so sure that that's jsut his only reason. I thin there's not jsut one motive, but a hidden motive. I jsut don't know what it is.
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