Predictions For Helper

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As I can see most people are "betting on" Baest. He's a good guy, but he also has a past. Yea, Ik people can change, but just think about it...
Ik I'm probably going to get a lot of hate from this comment, but I feel I have the freedom to express my opinion.
How does that have to do with anything? You abused and got demoted.
Are you kidding - as snoopy said, you weren't falsely demoted or anything, you abused your powers,
I asked if I could apply. I got 2 vouches. I stated that I abused in my application. I don't see what your guys's problem is. If you would like to continue this conversation, message me.
I asked if I could apply. I got 2 vouches. I stated that I abused in my application. I don't see what your guys's problem is. If you would like to continue this conversation, message me.
I think some people are just jealous that you have a high chance of getting promoted. :D
I don't think any retired or demoted staff should get accepted. Like you resign then a month later you're applying for helper... e-e
Sometimes they have to focus on school so they resign. If anyone should be staff, it should be them.
No offence but all the players you listed were either resigned staff or previous demoted staff members including your self, I wouldn't get your hopes up for yourself see that you were demoted for abusing.
I didn't include myself actually. Never got my hopes up. Why don't you just leave it alone. You don't have a say in it anyway. :)
I didn't include myself actually. Never got my hopes up. Why don't you just leave it alone. You don't have a say in it anyway. :)
just saying you seem to show off a high self-esteem on getting helper, just warning you that your chance is close to zero due to the fact that cloakfox said you will never have another chance of getting any rank if you are demoted for abusing powers.
You guys have one more chance. Stop arguing, or I'm closing this thread. This was just a thread where you guys could discuss who you think will be accepted for helper, not criticize each other!
You guys have one more chance. Stop arguing, or I'm closing this thread. This was just a thread where you guys could discuss who you think will be accepted for helper, not criticize each other!
No ones arguing... It's just a conversation. this isn't close to what arguing is
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