Exploring A Gender Neutral Version Of FoxKing/Queen

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Fox...................Fox.................FoxLegend?......Fox..........UberFox?......Fox..............UltraFox?.........Fox..........Fox...........FoxGeneral?........Fox.........................FoxMaster? Nuh..........Fox......... I'm out of ideas.
First off, we have 2 versions of Foxking, one for each gender,,,why would we need to change it? Secondly, why would we name it after an oppressive form of government? That's like making a rank NaziFox. It's fine how it is...there's no problems with it...why make it more complected than it is...
I can see it's not the most popular with everyone. It's been requested by several members, so I though it'd be a decent idea
Why would we put a neutral gender How many trannys do you think play the server?
Besides BigNig but he doesn't play
Why would we put a neutral gender How many trannys do you think play the server?
Besides BigNig but he doesn't play
It's not just for transgenders. It's also for people who don't want to reveal their gender, or don't care. Quite a few transgenders do play this server, so please respect their preferences, and use the correct term, not "trannys".
I got an idea what about the FoxTran rank so then people don't know what they are? sound good
Again, this isn't JUST for people who prefer to identify as a different gender. It's also for people who don't want to SAY their gender. Maybe, you should actually be the posts, shut up, and be more respectful.
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