Exploring A Gender Neutral Version Of FoxKing/Queen

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FlashFox, FoxGeneral, WarFox, ArmyFox, PresidentFox, I'm not sure. RoyalFox is pretty good.
[doublepost=1457757016,1457756977][/doublepost]I got one ReignFox
This idea is by @Shotapop, and will be suggested by me, with the thread text created by a group of people. How would you feel about a gender neutral version of Foxking or Queen? We'd love name ideas, but right now all we have is RoyalFox and MonarchFox. I think it'd be nice for those who have a certain preference, or would not like to reveal their gender. Please discuss below, but stay positive and respectful.
Post Script:
Please do not suggest this, as it'd be taking another's ideas. Thank You.
Player skins show Gender... Typically.
Player skins show Gender... Typically.
But for the people who don't see your skins and instantly assume you are one gender or the other, or when your skins are slightly masculine or feminine and people make assumptions based on that. Skins shouldn't show gender.
But for the people who don't see your skins and instantly assume you are one gender or the other, or when your skins are slightly masculine or feminine and people make assumptions based on that. Skins shouldn't show gender.
Thats why i said Typically.
I think we're all forgetting this is a game, There are literally games where we can only play a certain gender, whether it's female character or male. nobody complains because it's still a fun game.

Buying Fox king or Fox queen won't make a difference we should be glad we are given 2 choices, LGBT or anyone can adept to either picking King or Queen atleast we have an option.

I think instead of thinking of what the third rank should be called we should use this valuable time into something more thoughtful and well useful?
I think we're all forgetting this is a game, There are literally games where we can only play a certain gender, whether it's female character or male. nobody complains because it's still a fun game.

Buying Fox king or Fox queen won't make a difference we should be glad we are given 2 choices, LGBT or anyone can adept to either picking King or Queen atleast we have an option.

I think instead of thinking of what the third rank should be called we should use this valuable time into something more thoughtful and well useful?
I completely agree with you it does not matter whether your Gender, Age or even real name is known due to the people that know that information cant do anything with it? If they do somehow abuse you, You can type /ignore and no more being made 'fun of'.
I think we're all forgetting this is a game, There are literally games where we can only play a certain gender, whether it's female character or male. nobody complains because it's still a fun game.

Buying Fox king or Fox queen won't make a difference we should be glad we are given 2 choices, LGBT or anyone can adept to either picking King or Queen atleast we have an option.

I think instead of thinking of what the third rank should be called we should use this valuable time into something more thoughtful and well useful?

I don't think anyone forgot that it's just a game. c: We're only suggesting it. It's not like we're claiming it's a life or death situation. No ones going to cry if the suggestion is ignored, we just thought it would be nice if there was one.
Yes there ARE plenty of good games that only have a male or female option, but that doesn't mean people wouldn't love it if they had a gender neutral one too.
I completely agree with you it does not matter whether your Gender, Age or even real name is known due to the people that know that information cant do anything with it? If they do somehow abuse you, You can type /ignore and no more being made 'fun of'.
Well it's just really interesting to see that since the new forum is out a lot of uhm... Interesting and not so important suggestions are popping up.

I don't think anyone forgot that it's just a game. c: We're only suggesting it. It's not like we're claiming it's a life or death situation. No ones going to cry if the suggestion is ignored, we just thought it would be nice if there was one.
Yes there ARE plenty of good games that only have a male or female option, but that doesn't mean people wouldn't love it if they had a gender neutral one too.

It would be nice but i just don't see this being important, it's something nice to have but not necessary, also it would be so problematic to swap Fox king or Fox Queen to the Gender neutral rank or changing players from gender neutral rank to King or Queen. It's nice to keep it Black and white but if it gets decided then it's great! Sadly this is not a suggestion since it's not on the Suggestions thread, It's on General Discussion so i don't see this happening unless someones decides to suggest this
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Well it's just really interesting to see that since the new forum is out a lot of uhm... Interesting and not so important suggestions are popping up.

It would be nice but i just don't see this being important, it's something nice to have but not necessary, also it would be so problematic to swap Fox king or Fox Queen to the Gender neutral rank or changing players from gender neutral rank to King or Queen. It's nice to keep it Black and white but if it gets decided then it's great! Sadly this is not a suggestion since it's not on the Suggestions thread, It's on General Discussion so i don't see this happening unless someones decides to suggest this

Ah I didn't even pay attention to that. I thought Josh posted it on suggestions xd

Regardless, I never had it in mind that FoxKing/Queen would be replaced with it. I just meant to have it as an option to people in the trans community who are either confused or are agender (have no gender at all) to have. One person ik on the server is agender actually and I think they would appreciate it too if it was an option.
My opinion, is that maybe that this would be a better thread, in the future. Right now, Cloak has a lot of pressure on him. So maybe we should give him more time, and post something like this when he isn't that busy. But, this is a good suggestion. It's just bad timing to ask this.
My opinion, is that maybe that this would be a better thread, in the future. Right now, Cloak has a lot of pressure on him. So maybe we should give him more time, and post something like this when he isn't that busy. But, this is a good suggestion. It's just bad timing to ask this.
Like I said in the comment I made sharing my full opinion, we understand staff has a lot going on at the moment, there's no rush.
Honestly, players, if they prefer their privacy, can buy the opposite gender of King/Queen. cloakfox won't take away 1 rank, just to make it gender neutral. There's a thing called profit, and FoxQueen increased it, because of the female community in Foxcraft.
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