Exploring A Gender Neutral Version Of FoxKing/Queen

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Dedicated Member
Mar 7, 2016
This idea is by @Shotapop, and will be suggested by me, with the thread text created by a group of people. How would you feel about a gender neutral version of Foxking or Queen? We'd love name ideas, but right now all we have is RoyalFox and MonarchFox. I think it'd be nice for those who have a certain preference, or would not like to reveal their gender. Please discuss below, but stay positive and respectful.
Post Script:
Please do not suggest this, as it'd be taking another's ideas. Thank You.
Fox...................Fox.................FoxLegend?......Fox..........UberFox?......Fox..............UltraFox?.........Fox..........Fox...........FoxGeneral?........Fox.........................FoxMaster? Nuh..........Fox......... I'm out of ideas.
Fox...................Fox.................FoxLegend?......Fox..........UberFox?......Fox..............UltraFox?.........Fox..........Fox...........FoxGeneral?........Fox.........................FoxMaster? Nuh..........Fox......... I'm out of ideas.
It'd have to be some sort of royalty thing, because of King and Queen.
RoyalFox is still the best bet I think. Any feedback on the actual concept?
I think FoxMonarch would be best because the term Monarch can be used to describe a King or Queen. RoyalFox would be like....just anything royal. There's no FoxPrince or FoxPrincess.
I think FoxMonarch would be best because the term Monarch can be used to describe a King or Queen. RoyalFox would be like....just anything royal. There's no FoxPrince or FoxPrincess.
That's true, but "Monarch" sounds strange to me. Royal just rolls off of the tongue better.
That's true, but "Monarch" sounds strange to me. Royal just rolls off of the tongue better.
Think of a monarch butterfly. King/Queen of butterflies. Think of how they're described in novels. They're sometimes described as Momarchs if you haven't noticed.
Fox...................Fox.................FoxLegend?......Fox..........UberFox?......Fox..............UltraFox?.........Fox..........Fox...........FoxGeneral?........Fox.........................FoxMaster? Nuh..........Fox......... I'm out of ideas.
I came up with FoxMaster first.
FoxMaster, Boom, Done!
That could have historical repercussions, as "master" was the title of slave owners ;-;
Think of a monarch butterfly. King/Queen of butterflies. Think of how they're described in novels. They're sometimes described as Momarchs if you haven't noticed.
Bro xD I know all about Monarchs my name used to be "Monarchist". It just seems too lengthy to me.
That could have historical repercussions, as "master" was the title of slave owners ;-;
Bro xD I know all about Monarchs my name used to be "Monarchist". It just seems too lengthy to me.
It was changed to Monarchist on December 12, 2015 at exactly 5:00 pm.
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