Who want 6.55Mil?

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Discord: Bonden#9969
Ign: GroenMoreLikeDad
why i need the money you ask i suffer from ligma and sigma so the money would really help me and im just goated look at my ign its fkn groen hes goated
Fantom/amigos/ what ever team I wanna be in pretty much Xd

I want the money cause if u gimme 6m I will have 10 mil lmao. U might ask why I need 10 mil and the reason to that is that I need to buy more feet pics from Yaro
Discord: Lemon Tendie ™#1739
Minecraft name Lemontendie
Kingdom: Tendile
Reason: expand our spawners and kingdom
I decided to give 6.55Mil away on KDvalhalla
because i don't really play it so other people can use the money better then me.

What u need to do?

1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Wich kingdom are u in?
4. What is your in game name / Discord?
5. Why do u need the money?

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Giveaway ending on:
Wednesday 27-07-2022 8 PM CEST!
3. Geen kingdom :p
4. Semmentvloer | Sem#8249
5. I want to play it but i have no gear against others.
1+2 done
I'm in the KD TodesHändler

My game name is GhostyLace11405 and my discord is GhostyLace11405#7483

I need the money to become stronger in KDValhalla :D
I decided to give 6.55Mil away on KDvalhalla
because i don't really play it so other people can use the money better then me.

What u need to do?

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2. Follow me on forums.
3. Wich kingdom are u in?
4. What is your in game name / Discord?
5. Why do u need the money?

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Giveaway ending on:
Wednesday 27-07-2022 8 PM CEST!
kd: Chimera
ingame name: SirrKolo
dc: SirrKolo#2831
i want to create the best wwarp in the server, i want to build more profit shops and for that i need spawners.
I decided to give 6.55Mil away on KDvalhalla
because i don't really play it so other people can use the money better then me.

What u need to do?

1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Wich kingdom are u in?
4. What is your in game name / Discord?
5. Why do u need the money?

I appreciate it if you share this post!

Giveaway ending on:
Wednesday 27-07-2022 8 PM CEST!
Kingdom: Violence, Just for a bit. My discord is Quin#8714 and my IGN is Steentjeh, I need the money cause im beginning one of the biggest projects on the server, (green dye farm) + to feed little kids in africa (that was a joke)
mc name: mattiasNotFound

dc mattias#5367

reason: we hebben het geld nodig voor een coole warp te maken en ik deel t geld met me vriende
not posting my discord, and reference my profile picture for why i need the money
Biggy_Chaps1 Name in game
KD: Dark Mafia
Liked and followed
I want the money cause i dont have much and i will split it in between people
1. Like this post.
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3. Wich kingdom are u in?
4. What is your in game name / Discord?
5. Why do u need the money

ign IGotRqkt_

ik heb het geld nodig om tegeven aan mensen ook en om haiko meer tekillen en om totems bij jeffrey tekopen en me eige kd beter temaken want ik heb een solo kd en ben best wel arm atm zit in kd cloakies
I decided to give 6.55Mil away on KDvalhalla
because i don't really play it so other people can use the money better then me.

What u need to do?

1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Wich kingdom are u in?
4. What is your in game name / Discord?
5. Why do u need the money?

I appreciate it if you share this post!

Giveaway ending on:
Wednesday 27-07-2022 8 PM CEST!
MKD0#3060 kingdom UrbexKismo I need the money for to pvp with my friends
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