Who want 6.55Mil?

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Jan 18, 2021
I decided to give 6.55Mil away on KDvalhalla
because i don't really play it so other people can use the money better then me.

What u need to do?

1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Wich kingdom are u in?
4. What is your in game name / Discord?
5. Why do u need the money?

I appreciate it if you share this post!

Giveaway ending on:
Wednesday 27-07-2022 8 PM CEST!
1. Discord-naam: UrbexKismo # 7509,
minecraft-naam: jeffrey_2005,
koninkrijksnaam: UrexKismo.
Ik wil het geld zodat ik de 6.55M kan delen met mijn koninkrijksleden zodat we een coole wwarp en tweede honk kunnen maken!
1 and 2. Done
3. No kingdom yet.
4. Shadow_1590 Discord is BenjaminThePenguin#6146
5. I am very poor, and want to start my kingdom off well.
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Reactions: xDark_M
1. Discord-naam: UrbexKismo # 7509,
minecraft-naam: jeffrey_2005,
koninkrijksnaam: UrexKismo.
Ik wil het geld zodat ik de 6.55M kan delen met mijn koninkrijksleden zodat we een coole wwarp en tweede honk kunnen maken!
1. Discord-naam: UrbexKismo # 7509,
minecraft-naam: jeffrey_2005,
koninkrijksnaam: UrexKismo.
Ik wil het geld zodat ik de 6.55M kan delen met mijn koninkrijksleden zodat we een coole wwarp en tweede honk kunnen maken!
Jij geld dele?
Discord: DJCVR#0001
minecrafT: DJCVR
kingdom: Belgium
Why our kingdom can use the money so we can build a even bigger kingdom for more coming wwarps and buildings.
Great luck everyone
Discord: Anxiety#8565
Minecraft name KINGkoala34
Kingdom: Tendile
Reason: Is that we want to expand to are shop and we want to work on building each other up and become the strongest
I decided to give 6.55Mil away on KDvalhalla
because i don't really play it so other people can use the money better then me.

What u need to do?

1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Wich kingdom are u in?
4. What is your in game name / Discord?
5. Why do u need the money?

I appreciate it if you share this post!

Giveaway ending on:
Wednesday 27-07-2022 8 PM CEST!
1 and 2 done
3 DiyuZhiLu
5 i am going to help out the beginners and help people that lost all their loot because i know what its like having decent loot and dieing and having to restart
I decided to give 6.55Mil away on KDvalhalla
because i don't really play it so other people can use the money better then me.

What u need to do?

1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Wich kingdom are u in?
4. What is your in game name / Discord?
5. Why do u need the money?

I appreciate it if you share this post!

Giveaway ending on:
Wednesday 27-07-2022 8 PM CEST!
No Current Kingdom
Vulporium (both in game and discord)
I would use it to help build farms and shops, with the intent to help others, and not purely for profit.
dc: Leon?#3390
FR0GFRIEND (stupid name need to change it)
So I can flex on kids and make a bigger wwarp (I'm to lazy so probably just to flex)
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