Survival update/revamp!

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It's none of my business but a lot of you guys are just ranting in here. Post a suggestion if you want a feature removed. (Then it might actually be looked at/answered.)
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cloak, stop being like this and ruining the community, survival was getting players because it was survival, not this shitty economy creative v2 update.

Also, ever since this update, player count has gone from numbers of 30, to 10-14...

Reverse it cloak...

ummm it was 30-40 now its 20-30 not 10-14
I'm so concerned about this update... It's not even survival, why would you add these crapppy things to a pvp/pve game mode. Makes no sense why you can marry people on a "survival" server??? Da Fuq economy on a survival server :? Extremely disappointed on whoever ideas these were.
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