Survival update/revamp!

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Mar 7, 2016

Survival has been getting a bigger playerbase and since a lot of players thought the gameplay was pretty stale...
I have decided to update it with new features and things to do.

Let's make a list shall we?
  • New spawn (at newly generated chunks)
  • Added Economy
  • Added Auctions (/auction or /ah)
  • Added Jobs (/jobs)
  • Added the ability to create chest shops!
  • Added Marriage (/marry)
  • Added Bank notes (/withdraw)
  • Added entirely new shop! (/shop)
  • Default claim blocks raised to 1.500!
  • Total claim block cap to 100.000
  • Claim blocks earned per 1 hour of playtime to 250
  • Removed redstone limitations (clocks being blocked etc)
  • Added the ability to buy more money on our webstore (
  • Added the ablility to buy more claim blocks on our store (Gain instant access to more claim blocks)
Yes.. you can now earn money on survival. Money can be used to buy pretty much every single item in the /shop
Money can be earned by doing jobs from our /jobs system or by selling items to our shop system.

This is what our jobs gui looks like, it's super easy to pick a job and to start making money.

You can read more about the core features ingame by using /help!

Thanks for reading! Time to get rich!

- Cloakfox
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@RavenDaStar Nope i don't haven't played mineman for around 2.5 months eventhough i got banned for my ign wonder how @Yoahi found out. I joined the server for like 2 seconds

Survival has been getting a bigger playerbase and since a lot of players thought the gameplay was pretty stale...
I have decided to update it with new features and things to do.

Let's make a list shall we?
  • New spawn (at newly generated chunks)
  • Added Economy
  • Added Auctions (/auction or /ah)
  • Added Jobs (/jobs)
  • Added the ability to create chest shops!
  • Added Marriage (/marry)
  • Added Bank notes (/withdraw)
  • Added entirely new shop! (/shop)
  • Default claim blocks raised to 1.500!
  • Total claim block cap to 100.000
  • Claim blocks earned per 1 hour of playtime to 250
  • Removed redstone limitations (clocks being blocked etc)
  • Added the ability to buy more money on our webstore (
  • Added the ablility to buy more claim blocks on our store (Gain instant access to more claim blocks)
Yes.. you can now earn money on survival. Money can be used to buy pretty much every single item in the /shop
Money can be earned by doing jobs from our /jobs system or by selling items to our shop system.

This is what our jobs gui looks like, it's super easy to pick a job and to start making money.

You can read more about the core features ingame by using /help!

Thanks for reading! Time to get rich!

- Cloakfox
Remove this update please it isn't fun or just remove /shop it's useless and it's creating a lot of glitches and drama. Also players are stopping playing because of this update. Also I HATE IT
Survival ever since the update has effected Survival mostly in a negative way, I've seen multiple flame wars spamming chat over this, people being banned because of glitches, people complaining over the update, and personally I also dislike the update (/shop mostly)
cloak, stop being like this and ruining the community, survival was getting players because it was survival, not this shitty economy creative v2 update.

Also, ever since this update, player count has gone from numbers of 30, to 10-14...

Reverse it cloak...
Hello Cloakfox and other Staff/Players! I really like the economy that you are trying to get but I think that /ah is enough for a nice economy! But I don't like /shop because you don't have to ''survive'' and thats what survival is about. I hope you remove /shop and if you really don't want to do that then make the prices much higher! Thanks for reading :D
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