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Mar 7, 2016
Hi guys,

As you can see from the title of this thread, I am resigning. This probably isn’t a huge surprise though since I have been really inactive for the past few months. I wasn’t going to make this thread because I didn’t want to make this a big deal, but since I have been a staff on Foxcraft for so long, I thought it was necessary to make this to explain why I am resigning and to thank you all.

The reason I am resigning is because I have been really busy with school. I am in my senior year of high school and it has been really time consuming education wise and sports wise and it will only get worse when I am in college next year. Although I do have some time to come online during the week and on the weekend, it is not enough time to do my job as a staff properly and it isn’t fair that I stay staff when I can’t do my job to the best of my ability.

I’ve been on Foxcraft for almost 3 years and have been a staff for the majority of that time. I became a helper about 3-4 months after I joined the server so almost all my time on Foxcraft was me being a staff member. Being staff has been such a great experience and it has been extremely fun. Not to sound like a loser, but resigning is actually making me really sad. Foxcraft was a huge part of my life and I have had really fun experiences on the server and made so many friends.

I just want to say thank you to every single person on the server who has made my time as a staff member enjoyable. Whether I write you a personal message down below or not, I just want everyone reading this to know that I love you and appreciate you. I’ve met and talked to SOOOO many extremely funny and kind people and if I try and make a list of all those people, it would be so long. Of course there were really toxic people that I hated, but I am not going to bash them because I really do appreciate everyone on the server. I tried my hardest not to only focus my attention to my close friends on the server, but instead give everyone an equal opportunity to talk to me and become my friend because I loved meeting and talking to new people.

Thank you for reading this and down below I will be writing quick personal messages to all of my close friends on the server and to the staff. If I don’t write one to you, please don’t think I don’t like you. I will probably forget people, and I am sorry. But I truly do love every single person on the server <3

I really don’t know what to write because I have so much to say and I can’t put it into words. Firstly, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a staff member on your server. Foxcraft was the first server I ever joined and I have had so much fun on it. Thanks for always being so chill and fun to talk to outside of minecraft. You were the only person on the server I could really truly relate to when we talked because of our ages and some of the things we had in common. Some **** we talked about was deep and some was really funny and humorous and it was great to have someone to talk to that wasn't my friends/family that are close to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
Not going to lie, but when I first joined the staff team I thought you were so intimidating. I did some dumb **** when I was a helper that made you have to personally talk to me multiple times, so I thought you didn’t like me. But I soon realized how nice you were and I looked up to you as a staff member. You are honestly THE nicest and most hard working staff member. You are always open to talking to people, answering questions, and you never ignore a member when they need your help. When I wasn’t a staff member I always came to you to ask questions and get help because you were honestly the only staff who ever helped players and you knew the answer to everything. Although we weren’t really close friends, it was always fun talking to you in skype calls and on the server because you have the BEST sense of humor and you never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for being you <3
Owennnn, we go way back. You were honestly my first real friend on the server. My sister and I met you playing skyblock and I have the best memories playing on their with you. You were notorious on skyblock when I first joined the server so I was surprised we actually became friends because I was a nobody. But I am happy we did become friends because I always looked forward to coming on the server to talk to you. We had rough times and had a lot of drama, but it was so stupid and I regret ever starting that ****/not getting over it because we stopped talking for a long time after that and I honestly missed talking to you. We never truly got close again after that, but we did become friends again and I thank you for being such a good friend and always making my time on the server fun.
SQUADDDDD. You two are some of the funniest people I have ever met. There was never a time when you guys didn’t make me laugh. I always looked forward to coming online so I could talk to you guys because you are both hilarious. Thank you guys both for making me laugh all the time because you guys made the server so enjoyable for me. PS I don't even know how you guys came up with my nickname "hotdog" but I went along with it anyways LMAO.
CHAMPAGNE PAPI I LOVE YOU. I don’t know how I could put into words how much I appreciate you. You are probably my closest friend on the server even though we didn’t become friends until somewhat recently. I know we haven’t talked really recently, but I just want you to know that I always enjoyed talking to you on the server and snapchat and I will never forget our talks. Thank you for always being someone I could talk to and someone I could rant to without being snitched on lmao. Love you and tell Bella I say hi.
MECH I LOVE YOU SM OMG. We have such similar tastes, especially in music, so it was always awesome to talk to you about that. Also, whenever we were in discord talking I had so much fun. You have such an amazing sense of humor and you never fail to make me laugh. Thank you for being such a good friend and staff member. Love you meme queen <3
UGH I just want to apologize for everything. I was honestly so rude to you when you first became a staff member. I was upset at the time because you were promoted to staff and know one really even knew you. But I want to apologize for that. I was immature to do that because you are SUCH A SWEET PERSON and a great staff member. I think I did apologize to you a while ago, but I wanted to do it again. You are so helpful to everyone and you help people who are struggling with anything. I never see you NOT helping somebody. Whether it be on the server or on the forums, you are always being helpful and kind. I don't think I have ever truly seen you say a mean thing to anyone. Stay slaying, ly <3
@ProbationZ @DontPaanic @Baest @Snoop @Jaywiz ツ @GlazedBear @Ksmudger @Justinc2522 @shastaredwolf @Redex_ @LenniCraftMC @iRobot_ @xExecutorx @C2Obezerk @TotalMM There are honestly so many other people I have to tag in this, but it's going to take too long. Just know I love you guys and thanks for making the server enjoyable for me. It was great getting to know you guys and spending time talking to you all <3 Also, to anyone who is reading this, I love you guys too. If you've ever talked to me in game or on the forums, I know who you are and I appreciate the talks we've had. I honestly remember everyone I have ever met on the server so don't think I don't appreciate you.

That's it. Thank you guys once again, and for what seems to be the hundredth time, I love you all <3 If I didn't write you a personal message, I am sorry. I am super bad at expressing myself and don't know what to type to 20+ people.

PS. You may see me on the forums or server once in a while, so don't think I am lurking hahaha. I still want to talk to you guys if I ever have time. Feel free to DM me to talk or ask me for my snapchat/twitters exc.

PS. I know I am garbage at typing so there are probably mistakes in this lol.


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NO NO NO ;-;

I honestly really wish we had that chance to become close again, I can easily say that you and your sister were the two coolest people I met on Foxcraft. I remember when you two first joined Foxcraft, you both sort of hated me at the beginning, but luckily that changed :p I really hope we can stay in touch somehow, and I wish you the best in the future. It's been an absolute honor being able to know, and befriend you. You are honestly the main reason I wanted to become staff, so I have to thank you for that. The best times I had on Foxcraft were probably when you, CGB and I all lived on that lava and obsidian coated island we called home, with the Dog Mafia and the Cat Cartel too.
Thank you for everything, I strongly doubt I'd still be apart of this community if it wasn't for you influencing me to get staff. Good luck with everything the future holds for you.
The Three2.png
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No Jesse :(
I know you for ages now even tough we never really talked but you where a Amazing staff member thanks for the amazing years on Foxcraft !! and i hope we will still see you around on Foxcraft <3
No Jesse :(
I know you for ages now even tough we never really talked but you where a Amazing staff member thanks for the amazing years on Foxcraft !! and i hope we will still see you around on Foxcraft <3
Thank you so much!! I will always miss the old days on factions with you )))):
AHHHHHH THANK YOUUUU. I'm happy to hear you thought I was a good staff hahahah.
JESSE NUUUUU!!! ;-; We didn't talk much but we used to. It's sad to see you go, good luck in the future bb <3
thank you bb <3 i'll miss you
Not even a nod for the person that accepted you? I guess after all that drama you couldn't let it go, oh well.

Cya next helper apps :D
No, but seriously, I didn't even know you had a forums account lmao. But thanks for accepting me as a helper. We did put the drama behind us a long time ago though so I don't have any beef with you.
NO NO NO ;-;

I honestly really wish we had that chance to become close again, I can easily say that you and your sister were the two coolest people I met on Foxcraft. I remember when you two first joined Foxcraft, you both sort of hated me at the beginning, but luckily that changed :p I really hope we can stay in touch somehow, and I wish you the best in the future. It's been an absolute honor being able to know, and befriend you. You are honestly the main reason I wanted to become staff, so I have to thank you for that. The best times I had on Foxcraft were probably when you, CGB and I all lived on that lava and obsidian coated island we called home, with the Dog Mafia and the Cat Cartel too.
Thank you for everything, I strongly doubt I'd still be apart of this community if it wasn't for you influencing me to get staff. Good luck with everything the future holds for you.
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THANK YOUUUUUU SO MUCH this was so cute ))): I'm going to miss all those skyblock memories and our squad. Thank you for writing this. And tbh I don't know how we ever thought that nasty obsidian, glowstone, and grass island was cute LOL. But it was so much fun.
Hi guys,

As you can see from the title of this thread, I am resigning. This probably isn’t a huge surprise though since I have been really inactive for the past few months. I wasn’t going to make this thread because I didn’t want to make this a big deal, but since I have been a staff on Foxcraft for so long, I thought it was necessary to make this to explain why I am resigning and to thank you all.

The reason I am resigning is because I have been really busy with school. I am in my senior year of high school and it has been really time consuming education wise and sports wise and it will only get worse when I am in college next year. Although I do have some time to come online during the week and on the weekend, it is not enough time to do my job as a staff properly and it isn’t fair that I stay staff when I can’t do my job to the best of my ability.

I’ve been on Foxcraft for almost 3 years and have been a staff for the majority of that time. I became a helper about 3-4 months after I joined the server so almost all my time on Foxcraft was me being a staff member. Being staff has been such a great experience and it has been extremely fun. Not to sound like a loser, but resigning is actually making me really sad. Foxcraft was a huge part of my life and I have had really fun experiences on the server and made so many friends.

I just want to say thank you to every single person on the server who has made my time as a staff member enjoyable. Whether I write you a personal message down below or not, I just want everyone reading this to know that I love you and appreciate you. I’ve met and talked to SOOOO many extremely funny and kind people and if I try and make a list of all those people, it would be so long. Of course there were really toxic people that I hated, but I am not going to bash them because I really do appreciate everyone on the server. I tried my hardest not to only focus my attention to my close friends on the server, but instead give everyone an equal opportunity to talk to me and become my friend because I loved meeting and talking to new people.

Thank you for reading this and down below I will be writing quick personal messages to all of my close friends on the server and to the staff. If I don’t write one to you, please don’t think I don’t like you. I will probably forget people, and I am sorry. But I truly do love every single person on the server <3

I really don’t know what to write because I have so much to say and I can’t put it into words. Firstly, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a staff member on your server. Foxcraft was the first server I ever joined and I have had so much fun on it. Thanks for always being so chill and fun to talk to outside of minecraft. You were the only person on the server I could really truly relate to when we talked because of our ages and some of the things we had in common. Some **** we talked about was deep and some was really funny and humorous and it was great to have someone to talk to that wasn't my friends/family that are close to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
Not going to lie, but when I first joined the staff team I thought you were so intimidating. I did some dumb **** when I was a helper that made you have to personally talk to me multiple times, so I thought you didn’t like me. But I soon realized how nice you were and I looked up to you as a staff member. You are honestly THE nicest and most hard working staff member. You are always open to talking to people, answering questions, and you never ignore a member when they need your help. When I wasn’t a staff member I always came to you to ask questions and get help because you were honestly the only staff who ever helped players and you knew the answer to everything. Although we weren’t really close friends, it was always fun talking to you in skype calls and on the server because you have the BEST sense of humor and you never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for being you <3
Owennnn, we go way back. You were honestly my first real friend on the server. My sister and I met you playing skyblock and I have the best memories playing on their with you. You were notorious on skyblock when I first joined the server so I was surprised we actually became friends because I was a nobody. But I am happy we did become friends because I always looked forward to coming on the server to talk to you. We had rough times and had a lot of drama, but it was so stupid and I regret ever starting that ****/not getting over it because we stopped talking for a long time after that and I honestly missed talking to you. We never truly got close again after that, but we did become friends again and I thank you for being such a good friend and always making my time on the server fun.
SQUADDDDD. You two are some of the funniest people I have ever met. There was never a time when you guys didn’t make me laugh. I always looked forward to coming online so I could talk to you guys because you are both hilarious. Thank you guys both for making me laugh all the time because you guys made the server so enjoyable for me. PS I don't even know how you guys came up with my nickname "hotdog" but I went along with it anyways LMAO.
CHAMPAGNE PAPI I LOVE YOU. I don’t know how I could put into words how much I appreciate you. You are probably my closest friend on the server even though we didn’t become friends until somewhat recently. I know we haven’t talked really recently, but I just want you to know that I always enjoyed talking to you on the server and snapchat and I will never forget our talks. Thank you for always being someone I could talk to and someone I could rant to without being snitched on lmao. Love you and tell Bella I say hi.
MECH I LOVE YOU SM OMG. We have such similar tastes, especially in music, so it was always awesome to talk to you about that. Also, whenever we were in discord talking I had so much fun. You have such an amazing sense of humor and you never fail to make me laugh. Thank you for being such a good friend and staff member. Love you meme queen <3
UGH I just want to apologize for everything. I was honestly so rude to you when you first became a staff member. I was upset at the time because you were promoted to staff and know one really even knew you. But I want to apologize for that. I was immature to do that because you are SUCH A SWEET PERSON and a great staff member. I think I did apologize to you a while ago, but I wanted to do it again. You are so helpful to everyone and you help people who are struggling with anything. I never see you NOT helping somebody. Whether it be on the server or on the forums, you are always being helpful and kind. I don't think I have ever truly seen you say a mean thing to anyone. Stay slaying, ly <3
@ProbationZ @DontPaanic @Baest @Snoop @Jaywiz ツ @GlazedBear @Ksmudger @Justinc2522 @shastaredwolf @Redex_ @LenniCraftMC @iRobot_ @xExecutorx @C2Obezerk @TotalMM There are honestly so many other people I have to tag in this, but it's going to take too long. Just know I love you guys and thanks for making the server enjoyable for me. It was great getting to know you guys and spending time talking to you all <3 Also, to anyone who is reading this, I love you guys too. If you've ever talked to me in game or on the forums, I know who you are and I appreciate the talks we've had. I honestly remember everyone I have ever met on the server so don't think I don't appreciate you.

That's it. Thank you guys once again, and for what seems to be the hundredth time, I love you all <3 If I didn't write you a personal message, I am sorry. I am super bad at expressing myself and don't know what to type to 20+ people.

PS. You may see me on the forums or server once in a while, so don't think I am lurking hahaha. I still want to talk to you guys if I ever have time. Feel free to DM me to talk or ask me for my snapchat/twitters exc.

PS. I know I am garbage at typing so there are probably mistakes in this lol.

We talked a few times and you were pretty chill, honestly you were one of the best in the staff team, sad to see you go good luck in school
Its sad to see you go Jessie, I wish I got to know you better.

Thanks for all the times you helped out <3 I hope you do well in college, and I wish you the best of luck. I hope to see you around still.
Hi guys,

As you can see from the title of this thread, I am resigning. This probably isn’t a huge surprise though since I have been really inactive for the past few months. I wasn’t going to make this thread because I didn’t want to make this a big deal, but since I have been a staff on Foxcraft for so long, I thought it was necessary to make this to explain why I am resigning and to thank you all.

The reason I am resigning is because I have been really busy with school. I am in my senior year of high school and it has been really time consuming education wise and sports wise and it will only get worse when I am in college next year. Although I do have some time to come online during the week and on the weekend, it is not enough time to do my job as a staff properly and it isn’t fair that I stay staff when I can’t do my job to the best of my ability.

I’ve been on Foxcraft for almost 3 years and have been a staff for the majority of that time. I became a helper about 3-4 months after I joined the server so almost all my time on Foxcraft was me being a staff member. Being staff has been such a great experience and it has been extremely fun. Not to sound like a loser, but resigning is actually making me really sad. Foxcraft was a huge part of my life and I have had really fun experiences on the server and made so many friends.

I just want to say thank you to every single person on the server who has made my time as a staff member enjoyable. Whether I write you a personal message down below or not, I just want everyone reading this to know that I love you and appreciate you. I’ve met and talked to SOOOO many extremely funny and kind people and if I try and make a list of all those people, it would be so long. Of course there were really toxic people that I hated, but I am not going to bash them because I really do appreciate everyone on the server. I tried my hardest not to only focus my attention to my close friends on the server, but instead give everyone an equal opportunity to talk to me and become my friend because I loved meeting and talking to new people.

Thank you for reading this and down below I will be writing quick personal messages to all of my close friends on the server and to the staff. If I don’t write one to you, please don’t think I don’t like you. I will probably forget people, and I am sorry. But I truly do love every single person on the server <3

I really don’t know what to write because I have so much to say and I can’t put it into words. Firstly, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a staff member on your server. Foxcraft was the first server I ever joined and I have had so much fun on it. Thanks for always being so chill and fun to talk to outside of minecraft. You were the only person on the server I could really truly relate to when we talked because of our ages and some of the things we had in common. Some **** we talked about was deep and some was really funny and humorous and it was great to have someone to talk to that wasn't my friends/family that are close to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
Not going to lie, but when I first joined the staff team I thought you were so intimidating. I did some dumb **** when I was a helper that made you have to personally talk to me multiple times, so I thought you didn’t like me. But I soon realized how nice you were and I looked up to you as a staff member. You are honestly THE nicest and most hard working staff member. You are always open to talking to people, answering questions, and you never ignore a member when they need your help. When I wasn’t a staff member I always came to you to ask questions and get help because you were honestly the only staff who ever helped players and you knew the answer to everything. Although we weren’t really close friends, it was always fun talking to you in skype calls and on the server because you have the BEST sense of humor and you never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for being you <3
Owennnn, we go way back. You were honestly my first real friend on the server. My sister and I met you playing skyblock and I have the best memories playing on their with you. You were notorious on skyblock when I first joined the server so I was surprised we actually became friends because I was a nobody. But I am happy we did become friends because I always looked forward to coming on the server to talk to you. We had rough times and had a lot of drama, but it was so stupid and I regret ever starting that ****/not getting over it because we stopped talking for a long time after that and I honestly missed talking to you. We never truly got close again after that, but we did become friends again and I thank you for being such a good friend and always making my time on the server fun.
SQUADDDDD. You two are some of the funniest people I have ever met. There was never a time when you guys didn’t make me laugh. I always looked forward to coming online so I could talk to you guys because you are both hilarious. Thank you guys both for making me laugh all the time because you guys made the server so enjoyable for me. PS I don't even know how you guys came up with my nickname "hotdog" but I went along with it anyways LMAO.
CHAMPAGNE PAPI I LOVE YOU. I don’t know how I could put into words how much I appreciate you. You are probably my closest friend on the server even though we didn’t become friends until somewhat recently. I know we haven’t talked really recently, but I just want you to know that I always enjoyed talking to you on the server and snapchat and I will never forget our talks. Thank you for always being someone I could talk to and someone I could rant to without being snitched on lmao. Love you and tell Bella I say hi.
MECH I LOVE YOU SM OMG. We have such similar tastes, especially in music, so it was always awesome to talk to you about that. Also, whenever we were in discord talking I had so much fun. You have such an amazing sense of humor and you never fail to make me laugh. Thank you for being such a good friend and staff member. Love you meme queen <3
UGH I just want to apologize for everything. I was honestly so rude to you when you first became a staff member. I was upset at the time because you were promoted to staff and know one really even knew you. But I want to apologize for that. I was immature to do that because you are SUCH A SWEET PERSON and a great staff member. I think I did apologize to you a while ago, but I wanted to do it again. You are so helpful to everyone and you help people who are struggling with anything. I never see you NOT helping somebody. Whether it be on the server or on the forums, you are always being helpful and kind. I don't think I have ever truly seen you say a mean thing to anyone. Stay slaying, ly <3
@ProbationZ @DontPaanic @Baest @Snoop @Jaywiz ツ @GlazedBear @Ksmudger @Justinc2522 @shastaredwolf @Redex_ @LenniCraftMC @iRobot_ @xExecutorx @C2Obezerk @TotalMM There are honestly so many other people I have to tag in this, but it's going to take too long. Just know I love you guys and thanks for making the server enjoyable for me. It was great getting to know you guys and spending time talking to you all <3 Also, to anyone who is reading this, I love you guys too. If you've ever talked to me in game or on the forums, I know who you are and I appreciate the talks we've had. I honestly remember everyone I have ever met on the server so don't think I don't appreciate you.

That's it. Thank you guys once again, and for what seems to be the hundredth time, I love you all <3 If I didn't write you a personal message, I am sorry. I am super bad at expressing myself and don't know what to type to 20+ people.

PS. You may see me on the forums or server once in a while, so don't think I am lurking hahaha. I still want to talk to you guys if I ever have time. Feel free to DM me to talk or ask me for my snapchat/twitters exc.

PS. I know I am garbage at typing so there are probably mistakes in this lol.

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