CLINTTTT I didn't know you had a forums account either wtf I'm so stupid. But thanks for writing this. I'm so happy we became friends. I remember when I first joined and we hated each other lol. But we soon became friends and created our raiding squad which was so fun. You were legitimately my first friend EVER on the server I can tell you that and I will miss our skype calls because they were so fun <3Damn, I still remember when you, Jaime, Fireburn, CreepersGo_Boom and I would raid on Skyblock. It was great fun. I'm sad to see you leave, I hope everything goes well for you and Jaime in the future. It was great having Skype calls at like 2400 and staying up on MC for hours. I'll miss you, Jessie! - Clint
Thank you so much Josh <3 I looked up to you so much as a staff and you were the reason I wanted to become a helper. When I saw you were a helper I wanted to be one so bad because it seemed really fun and I enjoyed helping people. You were such a helpful and laid back person and it was really enjoyable talking to you on skype because you were so chill and we could talk about anything. I also always came to you when I had questions or needed help because you are so kind and helpful to everyone. Thank you so much for everything.Hey Jesse, (@jayxkrazies)
You're going to receive lots of replies from lots of other great people, so I'm going to try to keep this short (apologies if it isn't xD)
Wow... I never expected to see you resign from the server, but it's safe to say that it was for the best, and always know that your legacy will never, ever be forgotten as an incredible staff member & role model on this network, and you will always, always be remembered as one of the greatest staff in this server's history.
I remember shortly after @connor12568 accepted me as the first Helper, around a month or two after, you & Kixed were promoted to Helper as well. I can't even begin to process how fast time flies because it feels like it all began last week...
Last but not least; I, honestly, cannot thank you enough for the memorable & funny times that we had as regular [Staff] or as [Helper](s). You've made such an incredible and positive impact on this server, and I don't know what Foxcraft would be like without you in the first place today. I wish you only the best for your future with school and life in general. Thanks for being one of my greatest friends on this server.
Although this may be irrelevant, I found this screenshot from close to three years ago that you may find interesting...
(cya next helper apps. #notreally.)
Wow this was so sweet. I'm surprised you actually wrote this because I thought you hated me hahaha. Maybe it was just sarcasm, but it seemed like you didn't like me. But either ways, thanks for writing this. I remember all that stuff though LMAO. Also I didn't know that you took what I said that much to heart and that's what made you stay on the server. That honestly makes me feel so happy that I helped you like that. But nah I didn't block you on skype, I just removed everyone and deleted the app cause I don't use it ;[Jesse nice not mentioning me!But seriously the first thing i see in my inbox when i check back in on this server is your resgination thread i will never forget all the times i violated the servers rules and you would let it slide just because i was new back when i started in april like what 3 years ago? i was on prison and i said im starting to hate this server and you asked me why and i told you a bunch of things and you said what i could do instead and then i was there for the next 2 to 3 years because of what you did that day i will never forget what you did for this server you are like a legend to me all those skype calls where you just went afk and then me and @Mechz would scare the crap out of you when you came back and you fell out of your chair you said and we just laughed our asses off you were a idol to me this server will never have another legend like you jayx we had some bad times and some good times mostly good because i wasnt salty when you were on i remember the first message you said to me was because jaime was messing around with me and i called her a b and you said give me one reason why i shouldnt warn you and i just took the warning then the next day i added you on skype (because it was still relevant back then B) ) but anyways you were my fav staff besides kobeer (he doesn't compare to you tho ) and it makes me sad to see you go and happy because you can finally leave with a print forever left on this server im pretty sure nobody can forget what you did for us all and thank you for that jayx if it wasnt for you i wouldnt have made so many friends and enemy's mostly enemies XD im pretty sure this will be the last time i talk to you because well you blocked me on skype XD so have fun in life and live it like every day is your last luv u jesse but seriously tho have fun ~Pumpkin (aka Lord of the bunnies)
P.s I still have your number if you didnt change it![]()
P.P.S i regret not being here for your last days as a staff member your the only og staff that i know that is still on this server you are a god you are a idol you are a legend i could say so many things to describe you but i can't do that right now because im pretty sure i would be blocked by the word limit on this
Where can i be in contact with you then? because im prob not gonna check in on this for quite some time like i did before lolCLINTTTT I didn't know you had a forums account either wtf I'm so stupid. But thanks for writing this. I'm so happy we became friends. I remember when I first joined and we hated each other lol. But we soon became friends and created our raiding squad which was so fun. You were legitimately my first friend EVER on the server I can tell you that and I will miss our skype calls because they were so fun <3
Thank you so much Josh <3 I looked up to you so much as a staff and you were the reason I wanted to become a helper. When I saw you were a helper I wanted to be one so bad because it seemed really fun and I enjoyed helping people. You were such a helpful and laid back person and it was really enjoyable talking to you on skype because you were so chill and we could talk about anything. I also always came to you when I had questions or needed help because you are so kind and helpful to everyone. Thank you so much for everything.
Also I remember when I always used to ask you "do you like the way I flick my tounge or nah" when I was a skyfox omg.
Wow this was so sweet. I'm surprised you actually wrote this because I thought you hated me hahaha. Maybe it was just sarcasm, but it seemed like you didn't like me. But either ways, thanks for writing this. I remember all that stuff though LMAO. Also I didn't know that you took what I said that much to heart and that's what made you stay on the server. That honestly makes me feel so happy that I helped you like that. But nah I didn't block you on skype, I just removed everyone and deleted the app cause I don't use it ;[
Either way thank you soooo much, ly <3
omfgHey Jesse, (@jayxkrazies)
You're going to receive lots of replies from lots of other great people, so I'm going to try to keep this short (apologies if it isn't xD)
Wow... I never expected to see you resign from the server, but it's safe to say that it was for the best, and always know that your legacy will never, ever be forgotten as an incredible staff member & role model on this network, and you will always, always be remembered as one of the greatest staff in this server's history.
I remember shortly after @connor12568 accepted me as the first Helper, around a month or two after, you & Kixed were promoted to Helper as well. I can't even begin to process how fast time flies because it feels like it all began last week...
Last but not least; I, honestly, cannot thank you enough for the memorable & funny times that we had as regular [Staff] or as [Helper](s). You've made such an incredible and positive impact on this server, and I don't know what Foxcraft would be like without you in the first place today. I wish you only the best for your future with school and life in general. Thanks for being one of my greatest friends on this server.
Although this may be irrelevant, I found this screenshot from close to three years ago that you may find interesting...
(cya next helper apps. #notreally.)
You can contact me on my snapchat (@carp_marco) and I can give you my twitter(s) on there if you really want them even though they aren't that special haha.Where can i be in contact with you then? because im prob not gonna check in on this for quite some time like i did before lol ( gonna sponsor myself ) Discord is MrPumpkin#9049 insta is kittyexplosions
Wow, no tag for knowing you for 3 years and used to play kitpvp with you all of the time, I just got female dogged slappedHi guys,
As you can see from the title of this thread, I am resigning. This probably isn’t a huge surprise though since I have been really inactive for the past few months. I wasn’t going to make this thread because I didn’t want to make this a big deal, but since I have been a staff on Foxcraft for so long, I thought it was necessary to make this to explain why I am resigning and to thank you all.
The reason I am resigning is because I have been really busy with school. I am in my senior year of high school and it has been really time consuming education wise and sports wise and it will only get worse when I am in college next year. Although I do have some time to come online during the week and on the weekend, it is not enough time to do my job as a staff properly and it isn’t fair that I stay staff when I can’t do my job to the best of my ability.
I’ve been on Foxcraft for almost 3 years and have been a staff for the majority of that time. I became a helper about 3-4 months after I joined the server so almost all my time on Foxcraft was me being a staff member. Being staff has been such a great experience and it has been extremely fun. Not to sound like a loser, but resigning is actually making me really sad. Foxcraft was a huge part of my life and I have had really fun experiences on the server and made so many friends.
I just want to say thank you to every single person on the server who has made my time as a staff member enjoyable. Whether I write you a personal message down below or not, I just want everyone reading this to know that I love you and appreciate you. I’ve met and talked to SOOOO many extremely funny and kind people and if I try and make a list of all those people, it would be so long. Of course there were really toxic people that I hated, but I am not going to bash them because I really do appreciate everyone on the server. I tried my hardest not to only focus my attention to my close friends on the server, but instead give everyone an equal opportunity to talk to me and become my friend because I loved meeting and talking to new people.
Thank you for reading this and down below I will be writing quick personal messages to all of my close friends on the server and to the staff. If I don’t write one to you, please don’t think I don’t like you. I will probably forget people, and I am sorry. But I truly do love every single person on the server <3
I really don’t know what to write because I have so much to say and I can’t put it into words. Firstly, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a staff member on your server. Foxcraft was the first server I ever joined and I have had so much fun on it. Thanks for always being so chill and fun to talk to outside of minecraft. You were the only person on the server I could really truly relate to when we talked because of our ages and some of the things we had in common. Some **** we talked about was deep and some was really funny and humorous and it was great to have someone to talk to that wasn't my friends/family that are close to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3Not going to lie, but when I first joined the staff team I thought you were so intimidating. I did some dumb **** when I was a helper that made you have to personally talk to me multiple times, so I thought you didn’t like me. But I soon realized how nice you were and I looked up to you as a staff member. You are honestly THE nicest and most hard working staff member. You are always open to talking to people, answering questions, and you never ignore a member when they need your help. When I wasn’t a staff member I always came to you to ask questions and get help because you were honestly the only staff who ever helped players and you knew the answer to everything. Although we weren’t really close friends, it was always fun talking to you in skype calls and on the server because you have the BEST sense of humor and you never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for being you <3Owennnn, we go way back. You were honestly my first real friend on the server. My sister and I met you playing skyblock and I have the best memories playing on their with you. You were notorious on skyblock when I first joined the server so I was surprised we actually became friends because I was a nobody. But I am happy we did become friends because I always looked forward to coming on the server to talk to you. We had rough times and had a lot of drama, but it was so stupid and I regret ever starting that ****/not getting over it because we stopped talking for a long time after that and I honestly missed talking to you. We never truly got close again after that, but we did become friends again and I thank you for being such a good friend and always making my time on the server fun.SQUADDDDD. You two are some of the funniest people I have ever met. There was never a time when you guys didn’t make me laugh. I always looked forward to coming online so I could talk to you guys because you are both hilarious. Thank you guys both for making me laugh all the time because you guys made the server so enjoyable for me. PS I don't even know how you guys came up with my nickname "hotdog" but I went along with it anyways LMAO.CHAMPAGNE PAPI I LOVE YOU. I don’t know how I could put into words how much I appreciate you. You are probably my closest friend on the server even though we didn’t become friends until somewhat recently. I know we haven’t talked really recently, but I just want you to know that I always enjoyed talking to you on the server and snapchat and I will never forget our talks. Thank you for always being someone I could talk to and someone I could rant to without being snitched on lmao. Love you and tell Bella I say hi.MECH I LOVE YOU SM OMG. We have such similar tastes, especially in music, so it was always awesome to talk to you about that. Also, whenever we were in discord talking I had so much fun. You have such an amazing sense of humor and you never fail to make me laugh. Thank you for being such a good friend and staff member. Love you meme queen <3UGH I just want to apologize for everything. I was honestly so rude to you when you first became a staff member. I was upset at the time because you were promoted to staff and know one really even knew you. But I want to apologize for that. I was immature to do that because you are SUCH A SWEET PERSON and a great staff member. I think I did apologize to you a while ago, but I wanted to do it again. You are so helpful to everyone and you help people who are struggling with anything. I never see you NOT helping somebody. Whether it be on the server or on the forums, you are always being helpful and kind. I don't think I have ever truly seen you say a mean thing to anyone. Stay slaying, ly <3@ProbationZ @DontPaanic @Baest @Snoop @Jaywiz ツ @GlazedBear @Ksmudger @Justinc2522 @shastaredwolf @Redex_ @LenniCraftMC @iRobot_ @xExecutorx @C2Obezerk @TotalMM There are honestly so many other people I have to tag in this, but it's going to take too long. Just know I love you guys and thanks for making the server enjoyable for me. It was great getting to know you guys and spending time talking to you all <3 Also, to anyone who is reading this, I love you guys too. If you've ever talked to me in game or on the forums, I know who you are and I appreciate the talks we've had. I honestly remember everyone I have ever met on the server so don't think I don't appreciate you.
That's it. Thank you guys once again, and for what seems to be the hundredth time, I love you all <3 If I didn't write you a personal message, I am sorry. I am super bad at expressing myself and don't know what to type to 20+ people.
PS. You may see me on the forums or server once in a while, so don't think I am lurking hahaha. I still want to talk to you guys if I ever have time. Feel free to DM me to talk or ask me for my snapchat/twitters exc.
PS. I know I am garbage at typing so there are probably mistakes in this lol.
I'm sorry!! I know I didn't tag a lot of people, I couldn't think of every body I should have tagged, but I would have definetally tagged you omg. But yeah it's crazy I've been staff for so long haha. Thanks for making kitpvp so much fun though, I will miss always playing with you )):Wow, no tag for knowing you for 3 years and used to play kitpvp with you all of the time, I just got female dogged slapped
I'll miss you and it's about time that you resigned! You've been staff for 36 months and at least 903 days, 903..... 903.... wtf, I can't even count to 90...
903... outstanding isn't it?