Pistons can't push ores in a cobble gen?!

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Aug 21, 2016
My mom
Today i was making a cobblestone generator, and i came to the problem with the pistons(and sticky I tried both). And the pistons only push the stone blocks, and the will left the ores..

I made a video of it to show you:
Pistons are very laggy and buggy in skyblock.
No, you think that but it isnt really slow.. I builed a hole piston elevator with minecarts and that works perfect! So it isnt that the pistons are laggy, and they only push stone but dont push ores. If it would push none of this i'll understand it but this is kinda weird..
This happened with an "update" to Skyblock. It also came with the feature where water can't break anything, such as crops, skulls, and redstone. Goodbye to auto farms. :L
This happened with an "update" to Skyblock. It also came with the feature where water can't break anything, such as crops, skulls, and redstone. Goodbye to auto farms. :L
Thats bullshit because why would the server wants that you can't make autofarm anymore?
Thats bullshit because why would the server wants that you can't make autofarm anymore?
And btw this is on vulcan not on glacier.
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