Helper apps: OPEN

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All of y'all need to chill. Here's the skinny on Helper apps: If you just joined the forums within the past 2 weeks, I doubt you're getting Helper, Leon is looking for players who are known to the players on the server and to the community on the forums, if you just joined, no one including the Staff know anything about you, and how you act, it would be a terrible idea to bring someone on who you don't know a thing about. They might abuse, or be just a horrible person to others, you name it. It's in the Staffing team's best interest to pick people who are going to to this job correctly. If you're under the age of 13, don't get your hopes up, that's not the age group that's being looked at for this job. If you're going to say things like "I doubt I'll get accepted", you're probably right, that shows the Staff that you are whiny and therefore unfit to be Helper. There's no need to be a jerk to people who have applied just because you don't personally like them, or you think they're unfit. *cough* @Six *cough* if you want to start problems with someone, do it in a PM. If you have actual proof (screenshot or video) that someone is unfit, PM it to 11kobeer so that he may take that into consideration. This thread is here for 2 reasons: To let the community know that Helper apps are open, and for the applicants to ask any questions they have. Some of you have decided to incorrectly use this thread to be rude and disrespectful to others. Knock it off, go be immature somewhere else please. Let the thread serve it's purpose and move on. Go on, shoo. The negativity isn't needed. Just chill out.
Words of wisdom! : D
Anyways, I'm not a new player, I just lost my password to my other account... ;-;
All of y'all need to chill. Here's the skinny on Helper apps: If you just joined the forums within the past 2 weeks, I doubt you're getting Helper, Leon is looking for players who are known to the players on the server and to the community on the forums, if you just joined, no one including the Staff know anything about you, and how you act, it would be a terrible idea to bring someone on who you don't know a thing about. They might abuse, or be just a horrible person to others, you name it. It's in the Staffing team's best interest to pick people who are going to to this job correctly. If you're under the age of 13, don't get your hopes up, that's not the age group that's being looked at for this job. If you're going to say things like "I doubt I'll get accepted", you're probably right, that shows the Staff that you are whiny and therefore unfit to be Helper. There's no need to be a jerk to people who have applied just because you don't personally like them, or you think they're unfit. *cough* @Six *cough* if you want to start problems with someone, do it in a PM. If you have actual proof (screenshot or video) that someone is unfit, PM it to 11kobeer so that he may take that into consideration. This thread is here for 2 reasons: To let the community know that Helper apps are open, and for the applicants to ask any questions they have. Some of you have decided to incorrectly use this thread to be rude and disrespectful to others. Knock it off, go be immature somewhere else please. Let the thread serve it's purpose and move on. Go on, shoo. The negativity isn't needed. Just chill out.
that was a long paragraph, but yes sorry for my nuisance. and good speech dude.
All of y'all need to chill. Here's the skinny on Helper apps: If you just joined the forums within the past 2 weeks, I doubt you're getting Helper, Leon is looking for players who are known to the players on the server and to the community on the forums, if you just joined, no one including the Staff know anything about you, and how you act, it would be a terrible idea to bring someone on who you don't know a thing about. They might abuse, or be just a horrible person to others, you name it. It's in the Staffing team's best interest to pick people who are going to to this job correctly. If you're under the age of 13, don't get your hopes up, that's not the age group that's being looked at for this job. If you're going to say things like "I doubt I'll get accepted", you're probably right, that shows the Staff that you are whiny and therefore unfit to be Helper. There's no need to be a jerk to people who have applied just because you don't personally like them, or you think they're unfit. *cough* @Six *cough* if you want to start problems with someone, do it in a PM. If you have actual proof (screenshot or video) that someone is unfit, PM it to 11kobeer so that he may take that into consideration. This thread is here for 2 reasons: To let the community know that Helper apps are open, and for the applicants to ask any questions they have. Some of you have decided to incorrectly use this thread to be rude and disrespectful to others. Knock it off, go be immature somewhere else please. Let the thread serve it's purpose and move on. Go on, shoo. The negativity isn't needed. Just chill out.

I would be a perfect fit for a helper based off of my activity ... ban history - not so much.
damn guys, I'm getting gang banged.
Maybe u shouldn't 've been so rude to everyone... u know. now i understand why ur not loved at the staff community...
pls start being nice to SOME people.. i do understand being nice to EVERYONE is hard... at least try
Maybe u shouldn't 've been so rude to everyone... u know. now i understand why ur not loved at the staff community...
pls start being nice to SOME people.. i do understand being nice to EVERYONE is hard... at least try
so mean.. ;(
cloakfox, please pick wisely.. plz dude.. don't **** up the server.
you're getting denied
monroe has a chance
piggie is getting denied
will turner has a chance
evan is denied
And if the people who i said are getting denied get helper, idk ill prob suck your ****.
Wat about me? ;-;
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