Helper apps: OPEN

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Hello Foxcrafters!

Due to several inactive staff resigning, or being demoted. We kinda need more staff members, helpers to be more specefic!

You can apply in this section of the forums:

Make sure you follow the Helper application format, if you don't your application will be denied.
Best is to simply copy and paste it, and fill it out. Please use normal letters instead of colors etc, it makes my eyes hurt lol.

Minimum age requirement: 12 years or older.

I will be picking around 4/5 new helpers.
Also make sure to read this thread by @11kobeer.

Apps are closing 16 august


- Cloakfox
Everyone who has quit EVER "HEY GUYS IM BACK!" LOL (don't be dat guy Plz)
cloakfox, please pick wisely.. plz dude.. don't **** up the server.
Thank you for opening the applications!
I will be making a application for sure :)

Good luck to everyone.
you're getting denied
monroe has a chance
piggie is getting denied
will turner has a chance
evan is denied
And if the people who i said are getting denied get helper, idk ill prob suck your ****.
cloakfox, please pick wisely.. plz dude.. don't **** up the server.
you're getting denied
monroe has a chance
piggie is getting denied
will turner has a chance
evan is denied
And if the people who i said are getting denied get helper, idk ill prob suck your ****.

You don't even know :p
and be mature to other people and wish them good luck, he doesn't mess up his own server ;)
I'm gonna apply wish me luck guys!
Good luck!
You don't even know :p
and be mature to other people and wish them good luck, he doesn't mess up his own server ;)
Good luck!
you're not gonna get it, I've never seen you message on forums, you just signed up for the helper apps lol.
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