Foxcraft downhill :/

Do u think fox is dying?

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Totally agree with this,
When I was staff I also saw alot of bugreports open and unanswered.
I Also don't have the feeling Foxcraft is adding new features and new stuff.
And if your busy with college thats a good reason but maybe hire a manager again. When brady was on Foxcraft he fixed lots and lots of bugs we all have reported. Now everything is going slow and down.

Everything is becoming old and the dust will take over everything, But dont be sad something cool will happen soon hehehe

And Foxcraft will never die, The comunity is amazing but the features and some other stuff is verry bad. I Think it will help alot if the server uses Suggestions and lissen to his players. And ofcourse fix bugs and if you can't, Let the reporter know you looked into it.

And no Minecraft is not dead and Foxcraft is also not dead. It just lowered in playercount because of some stupid mistakes. Legit no server has a fake player count on the serverlist Foxcraft has around the 200-300 bots online or something it says "550" playing than you check the servers and no one is there lol.
Sometimes this hole server is a joke, But sometimes its the ****. Some day the dust will take over Foxcraft because the server is not adding new cool features and the server himself is not evolving its staying the same and it will be the same forever but players will leave yes thats true. Foxcraft will never die!

(No hate to anyone, Just giving my opinion. Sorry for my bad English its straight out of my heart :) . )

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Totally agree with this,
When I was staff I also saw alot of bugreports open and unanswered.
I Also don't have the feeling Foxcraft is adding new features and new stuff.
And if your busy with college thats a good reason but maybe hire a manager again. When brady was on Foxcraft he fixed lots and lots of bugs we all have reported. Now everything is going slow and down.

Everything is becoming old and the dust will take over everything, But dont be sad something cool will happen soon hehehe

And Foxcraft will never die, The comunity is amazing but the features and some other stuff is verry bad. I Think it will help alot if the server uses Suggestions and lissen to his players. And ofcourse fix bugs and if you can't, Let the reporter know you looked into it.

And no Minecraft is not dead and Foxcraft is also not dead. It just lowered in playercount because of some stupid mistakes. Legit no server has a fake player count on the serverlist Foxcraft has around the 200-300 bots online or something it says "550" playing than you check the servers and no one is there lol.
Sometimes this hole server is a joke, But sometimes its the ****. Some day the dust will take over Foxcraft because the server is not adding new cool features and the server himself is not evolving its staying the same and it will be the same forever but players will leave yes thats true. Foxcraft will never die!

(No hate to anyone, Just giving my opinion. Sorry for my bad English its straight out of my heart :) . )

It's not cool because economy will be ruined by you there as well loser
Totally agree with this,
When I was staff I also saw alot of bugreports open and unanswered.
I Also don't have the feeling Foxcraft is adding new features and new stuff.
And if your busy with college thats a good reason but maybe hire a manager again. When brady was on Foxcraft he fixed lots and lots of bugs we all have reported. Now everything is going slow and down.

Everything is becoming old and the dust will take over everything, But dont be sad something cool will happen soon hehehe

And Foxcraft will never die, The comunity is amazing but the features and some other stuff is verry bad. I Think it will help alot if the server uses Suggestions and lissen to his players. And ofcourse fix bugs and if you can't, Let the reporter know you looked into it.

And no Minecraft is not dead and Foxcraft is also not dead. It just lowered in playercount because of some stupid mistakes. Legit no server has a fake player count on the serverlist Foxcraft has around the 200-300 bots online or something it says "550" playing than you check the servers and no one is there lol.
Sometimes this hole server is a joke, But sometimes its the ****. Some day the dust will take over Foxcraft because the server is not adding new cool features and the server himself is not evolving its staying the same and it will be the same forever but players will leave yes thats true. Foxcraft will never die!

(No hate to anyone, Just giving my opinion. Sorry for my bad English its straight out of my heart :) . )

Im open to input, Foxcraft is and always be a community server, im not interested to expand beyond 1k players. It would be very hard as an 1 man operation to accomplish that. It's possible but I dont have that kind of time on my hands.

It's time again to give some background information. I've been focussing on quality instead of releasing new stuff asap. I've been working on something cool lately and im hoping to deliver it to you guys soon. I don't want to focus on resets anymore but instead offer a lifeservice to the gamemodes. Constantly improving and tweaking them to perfection.

The new forums and store design should show that we are focussing in quality and professionalism too.

Now I dont agree with you at all that Foxcraft is dieing. It has one of the most stable playerbases out there and i'm gratefull to have such a close community with og's and newer players online.

Kind regards

Im open to input, Foxcraft is and always be a community server, im not interested to expand beyond 1k players. It would be very hard as an 1 man operation to accomplish that. It's possible but I dont have that kind of time on my hands.

It's time again to give some background information. I've been focussing on quality instead of releasing new stuff asap. I've been working on something cool lately and im hoping to deliver it to you guys soon. I don't want to focus on resets anymore but instead offer a lifeservice to the gamemodes. Constantly improving and tweaking them to perfection.

The new forums and store design should show that we are focussing in quality and professionalism too.

Now I dont agree with you at all that Foxcraft is dieing. It has one of the most stable playerbases out there and i'm gratefull to have such a close community with og's and newer players online.

Kind regards

Thats a damn hella speech
keep up the goodwork :D
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Im open to input, Foxcraft is and always be a community server, im not interested to expand beyond 1k players. It would be very hard as an 1 man operation to accomplish that. It's possible but I dont have that kind of time on my hands.

It's time again to give some background information. I've been focussing on quality instead of releasing new stuff asap. I've been working on something cool lately and im hoping to deliver it to you guys soon. I don't want to focus on resets anymore but instead offer a lifeservice to the gamemodes. Constantly improving and tweaking them to perfection.

The new forums and store design should show that we are focussing in quality and professionalism too.

Now I dont agree with you at all that Foxcraft is dieing. It has one of the most stable playerbases out there and i'm gratefull to have such a close community with og's and newer players online.

Kind regards

When's 1.14 getting released for survival?
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Sorry eternal why are u here again? was that msg to u no exactly that's what I thought lmao
Just ignore the rando bro. He's irrelevant af. He only started calling things irrelavent after I called him it. It's like I expanded his already limited vocabulary.
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As Cloakfox has said, we are always open to input and want to really build with the community. However, that community is changed, I know you miss and want the old Foxcraft back but that simply just isn't possible, Foxcraft's community is what made it so great, and 90% of those people have grown and have other responsibilities in life. This community is still great and so is Foxcraft but time changes things. I'm not saying we couldn't do better but you need to realize we have other major things going on in life as well, especially with both Leon and I being in college things can be hard to manage. I'm not going to force the staff team to be on 24/7 and always be doing just staff work, that is not fun for anyone and they are all completely voluntary, it's enough they are already giving so much of their time. I can understand why you think I'm negative but you need to realize when you have someone constantly spamming me or spreading rumors its a natural tendency to be more reluctant with the player. Everything is a lot simpler said than done.
As Cloakfox has said, we are always open to input and want to really build with the community. However, that community is changed, I know you miss and want the old Foxcraft back but that simply just isn't possible, Foxcraft's community is what made it so great, and 90% of those people have grown and have other responsibilities in life. This community is still great and so is Foxcraft but time changes things. I'm not saying we couldn't do better but you need to realize we have other major things going on in life as well, especially with both Leon and I being in college things can be hard to manage. I'm not going to force the staff team to be on 24/7 and always be doing just staff work, that is not fun for anyone and they are all completely voluntary, it's enough they are already giving so much of their time. I can understand why you think I'm negative but you need to realize when you have someone constantly spamming me or spreading rumors its a natural tendency to be more reluctant with the player. Everything is a lot simpler said than done.
What rumours? I haven't heard any rumours about the staff team recently. (Meaning within the past year) Nearly all people like the staff team too.

Something people don't like however is the lack of communication between the staff and the players. That's what builds a strong community: communication.
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