Foxcraft downhill :/

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Jul 22, 2017
I just wanted to share with the community what I think of the server and the staff team, to be honest I feel like cloak doesn't care about the server I'm saying this because the server recently had so many bugs and I can tell and its like he doesn't wanna fix them as if all he cared about was the money he was getting :/ I made a bug report a few weeks ago and 1 helper replied saying that the bug is true but I still haven't gotten a reply which is kind of disappointing I really enjoyed Foxcraft it was a really good server since they got this new developer which I never saw it started going downhill Brady was a good developer he knew what he was doing and he was online on Foxcraft sharing his ideas with community and the community shared there ideas with him which in my opinion is really good kitpvp used to have 30-60 players now its 0 all the time same with creative it used to have tons of players it was fun to join and talk to them now there are 1-5 daily and a server I really liked is dying is really sad xd I don't want this to happen and for the staff team to step up there work or this server will just be dead I also noticed the server having fake players plugin? Which is really stupid you're trying to lie to ur own players who support the server like come on and about the staff team talking about Justin mainly he isn't positive he is negative with some players which shouldn't be allowed in my opinion and he should change :/ like if u wanna be negative with players don't be staff he calls people annoying which I get they may be annoying but u shouldn't just say it in public chat or even in private keep it for ur self k ty If anyone wants to hate on this post and disagree with it idrc honestly this is my own opinion and the way the server is going isn't going well. #klow4dev jk lmao have a nice day
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although I just became staff around two weeks ago, I really agree with this, as I do have a lot of unanswered bug reports myself, and there are a lot of server bugs. I think there are 2 big reasons for this though. 1st, Minecraft is dying in general. Obviously, it will never be as popular as it was in 2013-2014-2015, I've by told by older players that the server used to get a lot of players, and even though I only joined in 2017 I can also see that it has a lot less players since then. I've seen many of my friends and other players quit. 2nd reason, the bigger one, I think it's just because Leon has grown up. I've been told that he started this server when he was a teenager, and now that he's in his 20s he has to be a responsible adult and actually make a life for himself. He can't be working on this server that much when he has personal things to do. He has managers, and he could hire more but that's his choice. I really don't think fixing the bugs/answering suggestions would really bring players back either. This is just all my opinion, so cloak don't ban me if i'm totally wrong.
I just wanted to share with the community what I think of the server and the staff team, to be honest I feel like cloak doesn't care about the server I'm saying this because the server recently had so many bugs and I can tell and its like he doesn't wanna fix them as if all he cared about was the money he was getting :/ I made a bug report a few weeks ago and 1 helper replied saying that the bug is true but I still haven't gotten a reply which is kind of disappointing I really enjoyed Foxcraft it was a really good server since they got this new developer which I never saw it started going downhill Brady was a good developer he knew what he was doing and he was online on Foxcraft sharing his ideas with community and the community shared there ideas with him which in my opinion is really good kitpvp used to have 30-60 players now its 0 all the time same with creative it used to have tons of players it was fun to join and talk to them now there are 1-5 daily and a server I really liked is dying is really sad xd I don't want this to happen and for the staff team to step up there work or this server will just be dead I also noticed the server having fake players plugin? Which is really stupid you're trying to lie to ur own players who support the server like come on and about the staff team talking about Justin mainly he isn't positive he is negative with some players which shouldn't be allowed in my opinion and he should change :/ like if u wanna be negative with players don't be staff he calls people annoying which I get they may be annoying but u shouldn't just say it in public chat or even in private keep it for ur self k ty If anyone wants to hate on this post and disagree with it idrc honestly this is my own opinion and the way the server is going isn't going well. #klow4dev jk lmao have a nice day
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So if I fix smoll bugs you guys all happy again? Nice.
lol I showed appreciation, and was kind and thanked you for the stuff on Survival. The reason people are like that because you literally don't care anymore because you think everyone dislikes you and doesn't appreciate your time, if you're willing to ban me for something not even in the rules, a person who's been here since 2013 and donated a few hundred dollars, people will be negative, all I got in return was a ban with the reason "Bye". I'm not being toxic even now when I disagree with the ban lmao you're banning the wrong people

I just wanted to share with the community what I think of the server and the staff team, to be honest I feel like cloak doesn't care about the server I'm saying this because the server recently had so many bugs and I can tell and its like he doesn't wanna fix them as if all he cared about was the money he was getting :/ I made a bug report a few weeks ago and 1 helper replied saying that the bug is true but I still haven't gotten a reply which is kind of disappointing I really enjoyed Foxcraft it was a really good server since they got this new developer which I never saw it started going downhill Brady was a good developer he knew what he was doing and he was online on Foxcraft sharing his ideas with community and the community shared there ideas with him which in my opinion is really good kitpvp used to have 30-60 players now its 0 all the time same with creative it used to have tons of players it was fun to join and talk to them now there are 1-5 daily and a server I really liked is dying is really sad xd I don't want this to happen and for the staff team to step up there work or this server will just be dead I also noticed the server having fake players plugin? Which is really stupid you're trying to lie to ur own players who support the server like come on and about the staff team talking about Justin mainly he isn't positive he is negative with some players which shouldn't be allowed in my opinion and he should change :/ like if u wanna be negative with players don't be staff he calls people annoying which I get they may be annoying but u shouldn't just say it in public chat or even in private keep it for ur self k ty If anyone wants to hate on this post and disagree with it idrc honestly this is my own opinion and the way the server is going isn't going well. #klow4dev jk lmao have a nice day

lol no point in making threads like this either Klow, it only makes it worse because then cloakfox gets salty and is even less inclined to want to work on the server. I pushed for changes on the server with loads of threads over the years with lots of support. It won't make a difference, cloakfox will do what he wants to do and nobody can change that, so no point in typing up essay threads. Best thing to do is just make do with what you got, make suggestions and bug reports and then cloakfox will eventually deal with it, which is better than him purposely ignoring it because he now has a hatred for you. Because when that happens, he'll ban you or censor you for little reason because he doesn't like you,
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lol I showed appreciation, and was kind and thanked you for the stuff on Survival. The reason people are like that because you literally don't care anymore because you think everyone dislikes you and doesn't appreciate your time, if you're willing to ban me for something not even in the rules, a person who's been here since 2013 and donated a few hundred dollars, people will be negative, all I got in return was a ban with the reason "Bye". I'm not being toxic even now when I disagree with the ban lmao you're banning the wrong people

lol no point in making threads like this either Klow, it only makes it worse because then cloakfox gets salty and is even less inclined to want to work on the server. I pushed for changes on the server with loads of threads over the years with lots of support. It won't make a difference, cloakfox will do what he wants to do and nobody can change that, so no point in typing up essay threads. Best thing to do is just make do with what you got, make suggestions and bug reports and then cloakfox will eventually deal with it, which is better than him purposely ignoring it because he now has a hatred for you. Because when that happens, he'll ban you or censor you for little reason because he doesn't like you,
Or cloakfox is just really busy with college.
although I just became staff around two weeks ago, I really agree with this, as I do have a lot of unanswered bug reports myself, and there are a lot of server bugs. I think there are 2 big reasons for this though. 1st, Minecraft is dying in general. Obviously, it will never be as popular as it was in 2013-2014-2015, I've by told by older players that the server used to get a lot of players, and even though I only joined in 2017 I can also see that it has a lot less players since then. I've seen many of my friends and other players quit. 2nd reason, the bigger one, I think it's just because Leon has grown up. I've been told that he started this server when he was a teenager, and now that he's in his 20s he has to be a responsible adult and actually make a life for himself. He can't be working on this server that much when he has personal things to do. He has managers, and he could hire more but that's his choice. I really don't think fixing the bugs/answering suggestions would really bring players back either. This is just all my opinion, so cloak don't ban me if i'm totally wrong.
haha ``Dont ban me if im wrong'' U won`t get banned for sharing your own opinion
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