Forum Game | Corrupt a Wish!

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Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Corrupt a Wish!
I've bought this forum game from another server.

How to play:

Player 1: I wish that I could fly.
Player 2: Granted, but you can't go faster than 0.5 mph. I wish I could eat food 10x quicker.
Player 3: Granted, but you could only eat toast. bla bla bla...

I'll start.

I wish I could go invisible.
Granted, but you bashed your head into loads of walls.
I wish everything I touched turned into money.
Granted, the only thing that turns into money is dog poop, and is only worth a single dollar/euro/pound.

I wish I could fly
Granted, but you could only fly in your dreams.
I wish my wishes came true.
Granted, but you could only fly in your dreams.
I wish my wishes came true.
Granted, but the only wishes that come true are the dark ones you regret saying. [eg: I want to die]
I wish I could be as strong as hulk. (EDIT: I know someone answered snw while I was writing my answer but he didn't leave a wish to corrupt.)
Granted, but the only wishes that come true are the dark ones you regret saying. [eg: I want to die]
I wish I could be as strong as hulk.

Granted but people see you as a freak because of your abnormal strength.

I wish that I will have a legacy.
Granted, but the legacy will be of you killing innocent people who did nothing for no reason.
I wish I could see through walls.
Granted, You can see through walls, But everytime you see through a wall, it takes away 5 years of your life.
I wish i could be Pewdiepie ;-;
Granted, You can see through walls, But everytime you see through a wall, it takes away 5 years of your life.
I wish i could be Pewdiepie ;-;
Granted, but as soon as you become him you lose his entire following and become an unfunny loser who lives in a kenmore box.
I wish I could make people's dreams come true.
Granted, but as soon as you become him you lose his entire following and become an unfunny loser who lives in a kenmore box.
I wish I could make people's dreams come true.
Granted, but their nightmares also release, everytime you grant a wish.
I wish i could have 1000000 dubs on dubtrack. c;
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