60$ Giveaway!

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cya next helper apps

Hey Micm_, Sad to see you go. We were friends for a while then we stopped talking. Anyways, I hope you have a great life after leaving. :P
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I was your confidant when you first got on the staff team
I ALWAYS answered your reports and was the only staff that thanked you
I saved you from demotion from Connor
I vouched for you and got you back on the staff team
I was (and still am) most likely your first friend
Do I need to list more?
This better not be just 'another random' giveaway. NO ONE has done as much for you on here as I have. I'm very sincere about this, but I REALLY want that money too (as you would not be here without me <3)
cya next helper apps

I was your confidant when you first got on the staff team
I ALWAYS answered your reports and was the only staff that thanked you
I saved you from demotion from Connor
I vouched for you and got you back on the staff team
I was (and still am) most likely your first friend
Do I need to list more?
This better not be just 'another random' giveaway. NO ONE has done as much for you on here as I have. I'm very sincere about this, but I REALLY want that money too (as you would not be here without me <3)
Stop trying to guilt him into it u monkey boi
cya next helper apps

I was your confidant when you first got on the staff team
I ALWAYS answered your reports and was the only staff that thanked you
I saved you from demotion from Connor
I vouched for you and got you back on the staff team
I was (and still am) most likely your first friend
Do I need to list more?
This better not be just 'another random' giveaway. NO ONE has done as much for you on here as I have. I'm very sincere about this, but I REALLY want that money too (as you would not be here without me <3)
no fair ;--;
cya next helper apps

Yo micm sad to see you go man its been fun arguing so much in chat about some stupid thing then us both getting muted for Stop arguing kiddos then when i got super salt when you killed me on prison and i had all my god stuff on me because i was going to pvp and i realized i didn't have any gaps on me so i just jumped in the lava to burn all my stuff ahhhh the good old times can i join you on the other side? :) ;)
You sent me a PM saying that I won and that I should say that on this thread.
Very kind young man
cya next helper apps

I was your confidant when you first got on the staff team
I ALWAYS answered your reports and was the only staff that thanked you
I saved you from demotion from Connor
I vouched for you and got you back on the staff team
I was (and still am) most likely your first friend
Do I need to list more?
This better not be just 'another random' giveaway. NO ONE has done as much for you on here as I have. I'm very sincere about this, but I REALLY want that money too (as you would not be here without me <3)
Bruh, no fair ima hand you an L <3
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