Stop trying to guilt him into it u monkey boicya next helper apps
I was your confidant when you first got on the staff team
I ALWAYS answered your reports and was the only staff that thanked you
I saved you from demotion from Connor
I vouched for you and got you back on the staff team
I was (and still am) most likely your first friend
Do I need to list more?
This better not be just 'another random' giveaway. NO ONE has done as much for you on here as I have. I'm very sincere about this, but I REALLY want that money too (as you would not be here without me <3)
no fair ;--;cya next helper apps
I was your confidant when you first got on the staff team
I ALWAYS answered your reports and was the only staff that thanked you
I saved you from demotion from Connor
I vouched for you and got you back on the staff team
I was (and still am) most likely your first friend
Do I need to list more?
This better not be just 'another random' giveaway. NO ONE has done as much for you on here as I have. I'm very sincere about this, but I REALLY want that money too (as you would not be here without me <3)
Bruh, no fair ima hand you an L <3cya next helper apps
I was your confidant when you first got on the staff team
I ALWAYS answered your reports and was the only staff that thanked you
I saved you from demotion from Connor
I vouched for you and got you back on the staff team
I was (and still am) most likely your first friend
Do I need to list more?
This better not be just 'another random' giveaway. NO ONE has done as much for you on here as I have. I'm very sincere about this, but I REALLY want that money too (as you would not be here without me <3)