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  1. Stygiophilia
  2. Stygiophilia

    My hell is the real deal yo

    My hell is the real deal yo
  3. Stygiophilia

    @LifeGeon True

    @LifeGeon True
  4. Stygiophilia What is this. Why do I love it. Help me. What is this. Why do I love it. Help me.
  5. Stygiophilia

    Explain to me why telling a gay person "Haha you're gay" Is a sick burn but telling a straight...

    Explain to me why telling a gay person "Haha you're gay" Is a sick burn but telling a straight person "Haha you're straight" Is fine
  6. Stygiophilia

    Love yourself.

    Love yourself.
  7. Stygiophilia

    Known Member?

    Oh god no, I wasn't planning on doing that xD That would be ridiculous & immature. I would have applied for helper regardless of if being a known member was still a requirement because I'm really determined to get the position. I just wanted to know if it would lessen my chances.
  8. Stygiophilia

    Known Member?

    Thanks you two ;v; @Forestra @DontLie I don't think I'll get the position, but I really hope I do ;; You guys made me a little less paranoid.
  9. Stygiophilia

    Known Member?

    So, First of all I'ma go over all my past usernames incase anyone thinks I'm lying so they can check lmao Fleshiie, Siignless, SilentExecution, Friskity, Shotapop & Now Hatesune. I've been apart of the server for maybe a little over half a year now. My first forums account since the reset was...
  10. Stygiophilia

    Promotions and demotions!

    Congrats all who got promoted!
  11. Stygiophilia

    Kids should be listening to this music instead.

    **Mature language warning Tell me if the content is a little too mature and I'll remove the post. Why listen to Nicki Minaj when you can LEARN something!?
  12. Stygiophilia


  13. Stygiophilia

    You smart. You very smart. We 'da best. You a genius. I appreciate you. You loyal. I changed. A...

    You smart. You very smart. We 'da best. You a genius. I appreciate you. You loyal. I changed. A LOT. You can too. -DJ Kahled
  14. Stygiophilia


    I'm sorry for being salty. I dislike labels being put on me. xD Josh. It's me. Jack. Friskity. I've already responded to this but I accidentally deleted the post earlier lmao. It just seems kind of pointless to ask. It makes no difference whether I'm a boy,girl,both,or neither. At least...
  15. Stygiophilia


    First of all, I'm not a weeaboo Literally apart of the definition of a weeaboo is a person who has adopted the Japanese culture and actually acts Japanese without acknowledging their actual culture. Second of all, I've listened to vocaloid since I was 8 years old. I'm aware of how the name is...
  16. Stygiophilia


    You're new to the underground, aren't cha?! Hi. I'm Jack or Whimie whatever you want to call me. I've been on here a long time. No need to welcome me to forums. But I plan on being more active than I was before. I'm pretty homosexual. Fun fact. People tend to ask me my gender a lot. Does it...
  17. Stygiophilia

    Mada utanaide ne ?

    Mada utanaide ne ?
  18. Stygiophilia

    Voting Issue? *Idk where else to post really

    That's good, sorry to pester.
  19. Stygiophilia

    Voting Issue? *Idk where else to post really

    Ah, alright. I hope he does see it. I didn't know it was a common problem I just assumed I accidentally typed H and expected it to autofill lmao
  20. Stygiophilia

    Voting Issue? *Idk where else to post really

    So earlier today I voted for the server for skywars money. and it didn't give me my money. I can bet anything it's because I wasn't paying attention and I messed up on typing my username or something, and I've had this problem before. but it was before all the updates and we could vote on two...