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Apr 9, 2016
Actual Hell
You're new to the underground, aren't cha?!

Hi. I'm Jack or Whimie whatever you want to call me.

I've been on here a long time. No need to welcome me to forums.
But I plan on being more active than I was before.

I'm pretty homosexual.
Fun fact.

People tend to ask me my gender a lot.
Does it matter?

Here is a few videos that describe everything you need to know about me. You're welcome.

Fight me m8.
Welcome back, weeaboo. Also, I believe it's "Hatsune", not "Hatesune."

First of all, I'm not a weeaboo Literally apart of the definition of a weeaboo is a person who has adopted the Japanese culture and actually acts Japanese without acknowledging their actual culture.

Second of all, I've listened to vocaloid since I was 8 years old. I'm aware of how the name is spelt. Hatsune is obviously taken. Hatesune is kind of a play on words.

First of all, I'm not a weeaboo Literally apart of the definition of a weeaboo is a person who has adopted the Japanese culture and actually acts Japanese without acknowledging their actual culture.

Second of all, I've listened to vocaloid since I was 8 years old. I'm aware of how the name is spelt. Hatsune is obviously taken. Hatesune is kind of a play on words.

XD First of all, I never saw that account, so excuse me on that. Second of all, I call everyone who watches lots of anime a weeaboo at first. Notice how I said "at first."
Another homosexual
Didn't know you had a Forums account! I have seen you on Skywars so welcome :)
XD First of all, I never saw that account, so excuse me on that. Second of all, I call everyone who watches lots of anime a weeaboo at first. Notice how I said "at first."

I'm sorry for being salty. I dislike labels being put on me.
Fine, you're not welcome. Homosexuality? Cool. I've seen you on Skywars.

xD Josh. It's me. Jack. Friskity.
Welcome to the forums! :p

Well people just want to know others genders usually.

I've already responded to this but I accidentally deleted the post earlier lmao.

It just seems kind of pointless to ask. It makes no difference whether I'm a boy,girl,both,or neither.

At least in my opinion.
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