Voting Issue? *Idk where else to post really

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Apr 9, 2016
Actual Hell
So earlier today I voted for the server for skywars money. and it didn't give me my money. I can bet anything it's because I wasn't paying attention and I messed up on typing my username or something, and I've had this problem before. but it was before all the updates and we could vote on two different websites so I could just vote on the other website and get what I needed. I don't know if you can call this a suggestion or whatever but I wanted to know if anyone else agrees with me that maybe we should have more than one option when it comes to where we place votes for the server, that way if we make mistakes there's a backup plan. It says I voted on the website but on the server it annoys me with that big text on the screen to remind me to vote and there's nothing I can do about it. I think that they should make it so we can vote on different websites, but only give us the reward once in case that's what they're worried about.

But idk. Thoughts?
This has been an issue on a few servers due to updates. I'm sure when Leon (cloakfox) see's this, then he will fix it.
When I try to vote for Skyblock, or ANY of the server actually, when I click the vote button, it constantly says my session expired, please try again. Wtf?
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