Search results

  1. J

    When smartness and dumbness come together in survival

    They have everything to do with survival are you freaking kidding me?!? How dense are you??!!!?!?
  2. J

    When smartness and dumbness come together in survival

    So it's just a lava wall or am I missing something?
  3. J

    ♒ Aurora Faction Application ♒

  4. J

    ♒ Aurora Faction Application ♒

    Naw luhh dude!! im helllaaa guudzz. i kiilled dis dude ho wuz en fell dimund armer end i kild him supor ez man it wuz ez az fuk brooo. pleezz invv meeee plezzz
  5. J

    ♒ Aurora Faction Application ♒

    Jon verryyyy baad et teh pe ve pe doint inve heem
  6. J

    My friend can't log on

    Tell him to type it him self without copy / pasting it.
  7. J

    Minecraft Skywars | So Easy Too Win?

    AsheycoolYT you misspelled -too- its supposed to be -to- in your forum title. lmao i had to
  8. J

    ♒ Aurora Faction Application ♒

    Pls inv me I rlly need da fax suu much
  9. J

    Factions Magma

    Yea my brotha
  10. J

    ♒ Aurora Faction Application ♒

  11. J

    Foxcraft PvP Montage

    Like to see a montage of Factions pvp... xD lmao never would happen lol
  12. J

    most op

    lmao just beacuse you have high mcmmo doesnt mean you can pvp... lol
  13. J

    xD jk thx

    xD jk thx
  14. J

    Voter kit

    How do i access the Voter Kit on KitPvP? i voted and it said i got it, but i dont know how to get it. /kit (nothin) /kit voter (same as /kit) /shop-Vote-Voter Kit (nothin)
  15. J


    Im not sure how to 'unstack' them. Do you know how?
  16. J


    I cant breed cows. I have wheat, and grass blocks. Is it because they are stacked?
  17. J

    Lost Rank

    Yeah thanks i think 11kobeer fixed it but idk. Thanks again
  18. J

    Lost Rank

    K i joined Foxcraft a little but ago after about 2 months of not logging in. I was FoxKing rank, but when i logged on i found out my rank had been Reset?!?!?! I didnt know where to post this at so i posted it here.