Minecraft Skywars | So Easy Too Win?

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AsheycoolYT you misspelled -too- its supposed to be -to- in your forum title. lmao i had to
I'm going to be honest here, people aren't going to watch videos like these. Very unoriginal to just put music in the background of a gameplay and very boring. Try to add some nice commentary. Right now I am new to your channel and I wouldn't subscribe based on this video.

no hate man just some criticism on what you could improve :)
I'm going to be honest here, people aren't going to watch videos like these. Very unoriginal to just put music in the background of a gameplay and very boring. Try to add some nice commentary. Right now I am new to your channel and I wouldn't subscribe based on this video.

no hate man just some criticism on what you could improve :)

you're just mad he used your intro song as background music


anyways, i used to do this back in the day (skywars footage & music) and my channel barely grew, my only subscribers were bots and my family members (LMAO, they aren't subscribed anymore lol). It's okay to not feel comfortable doing commentary, but it definitely does help your channel out. I went from 35 - > 100 within the time span of about 2 months just by doing commentary and recording on popular servers and servers with a community I was well known in. Use the tips wisely, but anyways, nice music choice and you have a good quality for your videos :)
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Yes Skywars is easy but when Foxking's and stuff get on they are just too OP to kill you gotta try snipe, snowball, egg, wait for them to fall off or hit them off.

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Download OBS, use a better rendering software, make the music lower, and put some commentary over it! Other than that, you have a lot of potential! Nice thumbnail!
Yes Skywars is easy but when Foxking's and stuff get on they are just too OP to kill you gotta try snipe, snowball, egg, wait for them to fall off or hit them off.
i have foxking now xD
you're just mad he used your intro song as background music


anyways, i used to do this back in the day (skywars footage & music) and my channel barely grew, my only subscribers were bots and my family members (LMAO, they aren't subscribed anymore lol). It's okay to not feel comfortable doing commentary, but it definitely does help your channel out. I went from 35 - > 100 within the time span of about 2 months just by doing commentary and recording on popular servers and servers with a community I was well known in. Use the tips wisely, but anyways, nice music choice and you have a good quality for your videos :)
i have started to be a commentary thanks it helps
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On a side note, you should download a texture pack. I find default very boring, and perhaps having a new texture pack will help you pvp. I know it helps me. ;)
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