My friend can't log on

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New Member
Jun 12, 2016
The universe
My friend is trying to get on the server so we can play factions together, but can't seem to log on. He says that the game keeps telling him "unknown host" and "can't resolve host name". I copy/pasted the server IP straight from my game into the Steam chat for him to use, but it doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know why?
i'm very sorry but I bet staff are gonna ask what her name is and make her create the thread :(.
My friend is trying to get on the server so we can play factions together, but can't seem to log on. He says that the game keeps telling him "unknown host" and "can't resolve host name". I copy/pasted the server IP straight from my game into the Steam chat for him to use, but it doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know why?
Must be frustrating. Contact Staff, as in PM. They should fix this. Hope your conflict is fixed soon!
My friend is trying to get on the server so we can play factions together, but can't seem to log on. He says that the game keeps telling him "unknown host" and "can't resolve host name". I copy/pasted the server IP straight from my game into the Steam chat for him to use, but it doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know why?

*UPDATE: This was fixed.
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