This isn't a How To: video... This is simply me making the farm on Survival. And being easy to build is the point, as I don't want to put too much effort into the design when I'm going to sell it to someone anyways.
Lol, this isn't, and once again, shouldn't be, against any sort of rules. This is Survival, you should fight to survive.
Plus, I gave everyone's stuff back anyways, so woopdeedoo.
I'd say that I disagree, as I trust him quite a lot. Although you may know him as untrustworthy, this doesn't mean he can't be trustworthy. I'd never say that you'd 'never' be able to trust him. As long as you have his side, he won't be untrustworthy, and he'd be a good ally.
Scamming isn't, and shouldn't be, against any sort of rules on Survival. I know it sucks, but there's nothing you can do about it except make new gear.
For as long as Survival has reset, only two people have seen what I have wrote in the chat that hasn't been in a /msg, this is incredibly annoying, and if it could be fixed soon, that'd be great.