Making an Enderfarm on Survival

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This is too easy. xD No offense. Some people don't know how to make one, though. I understand how it works ever since I've watched a video on how to make it. I watched until the part with the endermite, then I quit out and came up with my own design. Nice video, though.
This is too easy. xD No offense. Some people don't know how to make one, though. I understand how it works ever since I've watched a video on how to make it. I watched until the part with the endermite, then I quit out and came up with my own design. Nice video, though.
This isn't a How To: video... This is simply me making the farm on Survival. And being easy to build is the point, as I don't want to put too much effort into the design when I'm going to sell it to someone anyways.
This isn't a How To: video... This is simply me making the farm on Survival. And being easy to build is the point, as I don't want to put too much effort into the design when I'm going to sell it to someone anyways.
But that makes them kinda want it less, considering how easy it is to build...
I don't understand why people can't just build better designs themselves, this is extremely simple and not that effective.
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