Scammers In Survival

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New Member
Mar 16, 2016
Hi. My name is Anime_Oreo (Current Username in MC: ___Kyouko___)
(Will change it back to Anime_Oreo on the 22nd)

So i was playing Survival on Foxcraft today with my Girlfriend pinkypierules.
We were in the nether and she (for some unknown reason) accepted a tp request from X_HectorEspino_X

We didn't attack him at all, and he suddenly started hitting me, so i started to fight him. He had full enchanted diamond armor and a diamond sword with fire aspect.

He did end up killing both me and pinky, and then i politely said in chat the following: Hey, can i please have my stuff back? and sent him a TP request.

He said he would give me all my stuff back if i gave him Gold. I had lots so i figured i could just meet up with him and trade. So i met him at spawn, and then he said Give me the gold first, then ill give you your stuff

So i gave him a few pieces of gold and he gave me a piece of steak. Which i didnt even have in the first place. Then he ran. Him and his friend LordFireyFTW ran away further into spawn so i followed them. They then proceeded to scam me multiple times until my friend (pinky) said to me (Via Skype) Wait, just use the trading system! I didn't know there was trading in the server so i looked up the command, and i typed it in.

Eventually Hector accepted it and put an enderpearl in and said he was ready, then i declined the trade.
Then after that he started typing things like
How does it feel to get scammed?
Ohhh get rekt
Haha scammed you

And so did his friend.

So now he gave me none of my stuff back, and took some items from me.
Not sure what else to do, my friend said to report them here.

Thank you for your consideration and for reading this. Msg me if you need more info.


I do have screen shots but for some reason they wont upload, so if you want them you can probably msg me on Twitter: anime_oreo
or somewhere else.
Hi. My name is Anime_Oreo (Current Username in MC: ___Kyouko___)
(Will change it back to Anime_Oreo on the 22nd)

So i was playing Survival on Foxcraft today with my Girlfriend pinkypierules.
We were in the nether and she (for some unknown reason) accepted a tp request from X_HectorEspino_X

We didn't attack him at all, and he suddenly started hitting me, so i started to fight him. He had full enchanted diamond armor and a diamond sword with fire aspect.

He did end up killing both me and pinky, and then i politely said in chat the following: Hey, can i please have my stuff back? and sent him a TP request.

He said he would give me all my stuff back if i gave him Gold. I had lots so i figured i could just meet up with him and trade. So i met him at spawn, and then he said Give me the gold first, then ill give you your stuff

So i gave him a few pieces of gold and he gave me a piece of steak. Which i didnt even have in the first place. Then he ran. Him and his friend LordFireyFTW ran away further into spawn so i followed them. They then proceeded to scam me multiple times until my friend (pinky) said to me (Via Skype) Wait, just use the trading system! I didn't know there was trading in the server so i looked up the command, and i typed it in.

Eventually Hector accepted it and put an enderpearl in and said he was ready, then i declined the trade.
Then after that he started typing things like
How does it feel to get scammed?
Ohhh get rekt
Haha scammed you

And so did his friend.

So now he gave me none of my stuff back, and took some items from me.
Not sure what else to do, my friend said to report them here.

Thank you for your consideration and for reading this. Msg me if you need more info.


I do have screen shots but for some reason they wont upload, so if you want them you can probably msg me on Twitter: anime_oreo
or somewhere else.
Scamming isn't, and shouldn't be, against any sort of rules on Survival. I know it sucks, but there's nothing you can do about it except make new gear.
I'm really sorry you got scammed. Scamming isn't against the rules unfortunately so there's nothing we can do about it. Next time keep that in mind and be careful of who you're trusting.
Im sorry I suggest they auc it and you bid or something but there is nothing we can do scamming is allowed
Hi. My name is Anime_Oreo (Current Username in MC: ___Kyouko___)
(Will change it back to Anime_Oreo on the 22nd)

So i was playing Survival on Foxcraft today with my Girlfriend pinkypierules.
We were in the nether and she (for some unknown reason) accepted a tp request from X_HectorEspino_X

We didn't attack him at all, and he suddenly started hitting me, so i started to fight him. He had full enchanted diamond armor and a diamond sword with fire aspect.

He did end up killing both me and pinky, and then i politely said in chat the following: Hey, can i please have my stuff back? and sent him a TP request.

He said he would give me all my stuff back if i gave him Gold. I had lots so i figured i could just meet up with him and trade. So i met him at spawn, and then he said Give me the gold first, then ill give you your stuff

So i gave him a few pieces of gold and he gave me a piece of steak. Which i didnt even have in the first place. Then he ran. Him and his friend LordFireyFTW ran away further into spawn so i followed them. They then proceeded to scam me multiple times until my friend (pinky) said to me (Via Skype) Wait, just use the trading system! I didn't know there was trading in the server so i looked up the command, and i typed it in.

Eventually Hector accepted it and put an enderpearl in and said he was ready, then i declined the trade.
Then after that he started typing things like
How does it feel to get scammed?
Ohhh get rekt
Haha scammed you

And so did his friend.

So now he gave me none of my stuff back, and took some items from me.
Not sure what else to do, my friend said to report them here.

Thank you for your consideration and for reading this. Msg me if you need more info.


I do have screen shots but for some reason they wont upload, so if you want them you can probably msg me on Twitter: anime_oreo
or somewhere else.
If you need info on most players, ask me. I know how most of the players on this server are, and I'd be glad to tell you. This guy isn't someone you should ever trust.
If you need info on most players, ask me. I know how most of the players on this server are, and I'd be glad to tell you. This guy isn't someone you should ever trust.
I'd say that I disagree, as I trust him quite a lot. Although you may know him as untrustworthy, this doesn't mean he can't be trustworthy. I'd never say that you'd 'never' be able to trust him. As long as you have his side, he won't be untrustworthy, and he'd be a good ally.
Sorry you got scammed, though as other players said, scamming is not against the rules. Nothing can be done about your problem. Keep in mind if you don't know them, don't trust them.
I'd say that I disagree, as I trust him quite a lot. Although you may know him as untrustworthy, this doesn't mean he can't be trustworthy. I'd never say that you'd 'never' be able to trust him. As long as you have his side, he won't be untrustworthy, and he'd be a good ally.
It's certain people. :/
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the help and guidance. I really appreciate it!

I will just work on making new gear.

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