Prison reset yay or nay?


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I've played prison since august 26th 2014.. A reset would only really be ok if plots where not reset, if they are I think more people would quit than to join back,
Possible DOWNSIDES to reset:
Older players lose what they have
Older players may leave
Possible POSITIVE EFFECTS of reset:
Draws in new players, because there's a fresh experience
Allows players to rank up, as the previous system was sort of broken. New players couldn't compete with old ones.
New map
Fixes Glitches and Bugs
Allows for new plug ins and features

Overall, I'd say a reset would be best for Foxcraft. The only downside I could come up with is players losing their things, and in turn those players.
Why is it every time i work my tail off to get on top, the server i am on gets reset? I got reset on Skyblock when I was on Baltop, now you are talking about resetting this one. It ticks me off that I work my plot to earn a lot of $ just to lose it all.
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Voted yes, but it does not matter. The prison is (way too) easy to rankup IMHO It took only few evenings to get to complete without anyone's "donations" or donor. What this needs is more levels even "impossible" ones. Maybe I will write a longer post about my thoughts... when I have some spare time.
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Also it'd be nice to get rid off the strength2 pots and God apples. I mean pvp nowadays is the same as in OPPrison and Factions, I remember when it was normal pvp. A pure 1v1 without idiotic strength potions and god apples. Also /duel would be nice to add to prison. Pvp is an huge thing in prison, but to have an actual 1v1 without 3 other players jumping in, it's just not possible.That's why I'd think /duel would be a great addition to the prison server and maybe even factions etc.
I think we should reset now, a lot of completes are bored including myself, all we have is talking and afking farms. It would be nice to have a fresh start.
honestly, a reset sounds good. It would give everyone a fresh new start and we could do more. It would actually give people a purpose to keep going on instead of just pvping and trashing people.... I think a reset sounds good!!!!:p
Also it'd be nice to get rid off the strength2 pots and God apples. I mean pvp nowadays is the same as in OPPrison and Factions, I remember when it was normal pvp. A pure 1v1 without idiotic strength potions and god apples. Also /duel would be nice to add to prison. Pvp is an huge thing in prison, but to have an actual 1v1 without 3 other players jumping in, it's just not possible.That's why I'd think /duel would be a great addition to the prison server and maybe even factions etc.
Yes, agreed.
God Apples and potions should be nerfed, or at the minimum have a cooldown placed to prevent them from being continuously used. I can never outmatch the guy that spends all 24 hours of their day to getting an insane amount of god apples.
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