Prison reset yay or nay?


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Well it sucks because I've already spent so long on prison, as I once did on creative. When creative reset, I lost interest so I hope this isn't the same case... But if it benefits the server then I guess it is the right thing to do.
Well it sucks because I've already spent so long on prison, as I once did on creative. When creative reset, I lost interest so I hope this isn't the same case... But if it benefits the server then I guess it is the right thing to do.
Yeah I played skywars then they changed it and I was mad if this happens to prison ;) God have mercy on you lol jk just change the map not the ranks or any thing we like it how it is
Cloak I agree it is time to reset because once you have hit a certain level of being op in a game it can be boring. To be honest I haven't played in a while because I have so much money and so many things that that the game got boring for example I'm at 128mil in the game now- which is far more than I need, making me not want to play as much as I used to. Therefor I think prison should be reset
I really, really want a new Reset the whole Prison got boring about a couple months ago It'd be a great Idea to fix it and get rid of that stupid safezone xD Plus I really want a new map and maybe we should do that A-Z Ranking System then get to Complete/Free going from C, B,A, Elite, Complete I think is too easy and if we make it A-Z it'll take a bit longer for people to "Get too op" Just a suggestion, btw it's a YAAAAAAAAS for me.
Hey I was wondering what the community on Prison thinks about this, as the current Prison server is heavely outdated, and contains many bugs wich are near impossible to fix without a clean reset with new/better builds.

My views on the reset would be to keep the current Guard system in place, and add in the Admin, Mod ranks for better supervision and aknowledgement of the "Staff" ranks (Instead of warden).

Donor ranks wouldnt reset if the reset actually happened
The new prison would include a completely new prison build, with better PvP area's or area. More ranks to rankup too (More gameplay hours), more/better donor features, and more packages/extra's for the store.
(crates, etc).

Plots would be fixed as well. (Some users can't access there plots after a while, has to do with a conversion I did from PlotMe to plotsquared).

Just let me know what you think and don't forget to vote.
And feel free to leave suggestions or thoughts behind I will read through them carefully,


- Cloakfox
Yes. I'd love a rest.
I feel a reset would greatly benefit the Prison Server.

I don't know if it's a glitch or not but A Level players for some reason cannot warp to B Level Area. That seems a little strange to me.

Also, I know many people will hate me for this but could you but the X-Ray block on Prison? I've see so many people using X-Ray mainly in the B Level sandstone area. It's quite vexing for the players who don't use X-Ray (Good for all you rule abiding players!) and to have all of the diamonds and emeralds gone almost instantly.
If it takes everything like plots money and gear and stuff then no, but if it doesn't then yes
[doublepost=1459567353,1459566407][/doublepost]If we keep everything E.g money, plots, gear, and stuff then Yea
If it takes everything like plots money and gear and stuff then no, but if it doesn't then yes
[doublepost=1459567353,1459566407][/doublepost]If we keep everything E.g money, plots, gear, and stuff then Yea

wtf would be the point of a reset if we kept everything lol
Yeah, I really think it's time for a reset. I lost interest a month ago, because I already have everything and the rank up system is quite easy for donors like me. Also, I have the feeling the prison server is dying out a bit. Donors get rich so easily that after a while they lose interest, simply because they're too OP. For instance, a month ago there were a lot of donors who don't play anymore. I think the main reason is because they're too rich, overpowered (think about 6 stacks gapples), pvp not being really interesting, and more. I think a reset would be the perfect reason to start playing again, and of course, a few people would lose interest because of the reset (you can't stop that), but overall it will be good for the server plus people will start playing again. As stated before me "We need new challenges". I completely agree on that statement, and I also completely agree that Prison should be fresh, a brand new map, improved pvp, more challenges, ranks, donor perks, and more.
Thank you for reading this.
I think it should stay very similar to what it is now but reset so i can start again, that should be an option and i know it is possible because other servers have that feature
Looks like there is going to be a Reset :D (Look at the yay to nay vote ratio :D) Can I help build the spawn,etc :3
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