Kingdoms reset

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It has been 6 months and 11 days since kingdoms was reseted. There is not even 90 mil in the game and some gswords are not even worth 50k.
And like no one plays it alot. This season has pretty much failed, so I think it's a good idea to end this season early.
If you look at last season it was much more popular.

Only the players that grind this season will say 'bad idea'

I understand the idea you are pointing at, but I think it would be wiser to adjust the economy to make it easier for players to earn money. This can be done by adjusting /shop prices, making /job rewards higher and more.

A reset means everyone has to start all over again and all progress is lost so I think it makes more sense to have a major update instead of a reset. This update can be for example the addition of new items, an adjustment of the eco, new commands and more.

Then I also saw a command about the custom enchants. Imo the custom enchants are a good addition for kingdoms besides for pvp. For pvp I don't think this is a good addition and I would recommend to add a maximum number of custom enchants per item. For example, a sword can have a maximum of 5 enchants.
For the rest, I think this season has been successful, especially the last updates with the /k role create.
I understand the idea you are pointing at, but I think it would be wiser to adjust the economy to make it easier for players to earn money. This can be done by adjusting /shop prices, making /job rewards higher and more.

A reset means everyone has to start all over again and all progress is lost so I think it makes more sense to have a major update instead of a reset. This update can be for example the addition of new items, an adjustment of the eco, new commands and more.

Then I also saw a command about the custom enchants. Imo the custom enchants are a good addition for kingdoms besides for pvp. For pvp I don't think this is a good addition and I would recommend to add a maximum number of custom enchants per item. For example, a sword can have a maximum of 5 enchants.
For the rest, I think this season has been successful, especially the last updates with the /k role create.
first things first. There are alot buggs/glitches like the chatfilter, then you got the checkchunk what is really bad for kingdoms because you can't buy villager spawn eggs and it is hard to breed them when there is a maximum amount. Then you have the neutral kingdoms almost every kingdom is neutral so invading is no option.

Also i don't want to support p2w updates but the crates can use a little update. There are enchantments that people really want like streamlining 8/spring 3 etc.
and it becomes hard to get exp i think intelect is nerfed and there is a maximum of spawners. You only can see the ally's/enemey's of your own kingdom. You don't have titles (/ft). And this is not all. So I wonder if this isn't too many updates, there are so many people that wants season 2 back and there also some people that wants season 1 back, but no one wants this season
first things first. There are alot buggs/glitches like the chatfilter, then you got the checkchunk what is really bad for kingdoms because you can't buy villager spawn eggs and it is hard to breed them when there is a maximum amount. Then you have the neutral kingdoms almost every kingdom is neutral so invading is no option.

Also i don't want to support p2w updates but the crates can use a little update. There are enchantments that people really want like streamlining 8/spring 3 etc.
and it becomes hard to get exp i think intelect is nerfed and there is a maximum of spawners. You only can see the ally's/enemey's of your own kingdom. You don't have titles (/ft). And this is not all. So I wonder if this isn't too many updates, there are so many people that wants season 2 back and there also some people that wants season 1 back, but no one wants this season
there is also an overflow of xpbottles due to the xp dupe
I understand the idea you are pointing at, but I think it would be wiser to adjust the economy to make it easier for players to earn money. This can be done by adjusting /shop prices, making /job rewards higher and more.

A reset means everyone has to start all over again and all progress is lost so I think it makes more sense to have a major update instead of a reset. This update can be for example the addition of new items, an adjustment of the eco, new commands and more.

Then I also saw a command about the custom enchants. Imo the custom enchants are a good addition for kingdoms besides for pvp. For pvp I don't think this is a good addition and I would recommend to add a maximum number of custom enchants per item. For example, a sword can have a maximum of 5 enchants.
For the rest, I think this season has been successful, especially the last updates with the /k role create.
what would happen with all the swords that already exist? a set with 5 enchants would be impossible to kill with a sword with 5 enchants and you can glitch swords that have 5 enchants so it wont make a difference. The best option is a reset.
Kingdoms is currently dead and the economy is a dumpster fire. Plus pvp is dead and only a reset will bring back the player base
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