Kingdoms reset

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Jan 18, 2021
It has been 6 months and 11 days since kingdoms was reseted. There is not even 90 mil in the game and some gswords are not even worth 50k.
And like no one plays it alot. This season has pretty much failed, so I think it's a good idea to end this season early.
If you look at last season it was much more popular.

Only the players that grind this season will say 'bad idea'
hmm a reset sounds better bc its not only neutral kingdoms. Its hard to get money, and you can't even see who your ally's and enemy's with etc.
you can see that with /k diplomatics and on TAB. but a reset is better becouse you cant fix some buggs and glitches that are already used a lot.
Also i don't want p2w servers but if you look to all gamemodes that are p2w, they all are populair. On kingdoms you have only a change of 0.2% on to get only 1 mil maybe thats one of the reasons why the kingdoms eco is trash.
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Also i don't want p2w servers but if you look to all gamemodes that are p2w, they all are populair. On kingdoms you have only a change of 0.2% on to get only 1 mil maybe thats one of the reasons why the kingdoms eco is trash.
kingdoms is not about the money
It has been 6 months and 11 days since kingdoms was reseted. There is not even 90 mil in the game and some gswords are not even worth 50k.
And like no one plays it alot. This season has pretty much failed, so I think it's a good idea to end this season early.
If you look at last season it was much more popular.

Only the players that grind this season will say 'bad idea'
+1 i think ur totaly right because i had lots and lots more fun last season
Remove the custom enchants, they're wayyyyyyyyyyy too op and you cant pvp without them, it takes just no skill at all. One last thing, FREE 13JAR02
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