Survival reset and opinions

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You clearly need to play factions then.
Seriously this is one of the most wanted thing to be added back to survival, and you're giving us this answer? I lost my words honestly. Why would affixes put in: "Again, we are listening to your complaints and suggestions (in the right forum sections), but only in a clean and respectful manner."? Aren't we replying mature enough? Do we need to make an separate suggestion about it? Honestly I don't know. We, as I speak for the community want raiding to be added back to survival, but because you personally don't like it it's not getting added back? We need to play the server, not you. And yes, it's still your server I completely understand that and such. But we want raiding to be added back, and not get the answer: "go play factions then." Cause I find this immature and just a way too simple answer to give. If you are really listening to the community make a poll. "Do you want raiding to be able again in survival?" Awnsers: Yes or No. It's not that hard to do and if it is, I'm fully open to make this thread.
Seriously this is one of the most wanted thing to be added back to survival, and you're giving us this answer? I lost my words honestly. Why would affixes put in: "Again, we are listening to your complaints and suggestions (in the right forum sections), but only in a clean and respectful manner."? Aren't we replying mature enough? Do we need to make an separate suggestion about it? Honestly I don't know. We, as I speak for the community want raiding to be added back to survival, but because you personally don't like it it's not getting added back? We need to play the server, not you. And yes, it's still your server I completely understand that and such. But we want raiding to be added back, and not get the answer: "go play factions then." Cause I find this immature and just a way too simple answer to give. If you are really listening to the community make a poll. "Do you want raiding to be able again in survival?" Awnsers: Yes or No. It's not that hard to do and if it is, I'm fully open to make this thread.
We want to make a survival server not a factions server, if you want factions go to /factions.
I want to survive in survival then I clearly want to mine all the resources and build it without flying or any of that. Creative and survival are completely different creative you build nice things and that is it. In survival you can build a nice house, live in it with friends, build mini games to play, make a fighting arena to pvp with your friend or against mobs. That is what survival is about. I shouldn't have to worry about it being destroyed by any thing but mobs or natural causes.

If you played survival from the beginning before it died, raiding was just something that made survival fun. Spawn used to be filled with people pvping...scratch that survival used to be filled with people..there is barely anyone on anymore.
Survival isn't going to be a factions server, you don't make cannons and blows threw walls to raid bases in survival and have creeper eggs, survival raiding compared to factions raiding are completely different things. And lets be honest here you made survival more like a factions server when you added claims, and /team, Before these were added survival was a very unique and fun thing to play, I don't see why It can't return to that way, or close to how it used to be.
Make survival 1.9 and I'd be happy. XD
1 word: Elytra. 2 more words: End Rods. 2 more words: Chorus Fruits. So many more things in 1.9.
We want to make a survival server not a factions server, if you want factions go to /factions.
I honestly lost my ******* words, did you even read what I wrote? No no wrong question, do you even care what I wrote? Well you probably didn't so I' going to quote the exact sentence that what I predicted you were going to write back to me.
But we want raiding to be added back, and not get the answer: "go play factions then." Cause I find this immature and just a way too simple answer to give. If you are really listening to the community make a poll. .
Seriously this is such a simple answer to give my ******* god. You probably don't even care about the community which blows my mind. "No I do care about the community" then show that you care about us and get us what WE really want.
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Seriously this is one of the most wanted thing to be added back to survival, and you're giving us this answer? I lost my words honestly. Why would affixes put in: "Again, we are listening to your complaints and suggestions (in the right forum sections), but only in a clean and respectful manner."? Aren't we replying mature enough? Do we need to make an separate suggestion about it? Honestly I don't know. We, as I speak for the community want raiding to be added back to survival, but because you personally don't like it it's not getting added back? We need to play the server, not you. And yes, it's still your server I completely understand that and such. But we want raiding to be added back, and not get the answer: "go play factions then." Cause I find this immature and just a way too simple answer to give. If you are really listening to the community make a poll. "Do you want raiding to be able again in survival?" Answer: Yes or No. It's not that hard to do and if it is, I'm fully open to make this thread.

I know you can just give an "agree" rating but this couldn't more true. People just want raiding back it was there to begin with why not just add it back...since it's what everyone wants.
You clearly need to play factions then.
All you want is us to play factions, we want the old survival back not factions. Factions is a completely different set of raiding and we want the vanilla survival back, I don't see why you ask for suggestions when you dislike and say no to most of what we say. You do not play the server, it should be our way of what we want. As we are what gets you your money and the server itself, all we want as a community is to have the thing we enjoyed most about Survival, why not make a poll and allow people to show their opinions on it and prove 99.9% of survival players want raiding.
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I honestly lost my ******* words, did you even read what I wrote? No no wrong question, do you even care what I wrote? Well you probably didn't so I' going to quite the exact sentence that what I predicted you were going to write back to me.

Seriously this is such a simple answer to give my ******* god. You probably don't even care about the community which blows my mind. "No I do care about the community" then show that you care about us and get us what WE really want.
In all honestly if he doesn't "care about the community" the tf is he updating all the servers for? Himself? Might want to actually not call him out for not "caring about us" before you learn to open up your eyes.
All you want is us to play factions, we want the old survival back not factions. Factions is a completely different set of raiding and we want the vanilla survival back, I don't see why you ask for suggestions when you dislike and say no to most of what we say. You do not play the server, it should be our way of what we want. As we are what gets you your money and the server itself, all we want as a community is to have the thing we enjoyed most about Survival, why not make a poll and allow people to show their opinions on it and prove 99.9% of survival players want raiding.
If you'd read his thread it says something like "Most will not be added, but feel free to suggest"
As long as survival is 1.9, I honestly dgaf about what happens as long as it's vanilla. No mcmmo, no pets, make it 100% vanilla. With /set home and that too.
In all honestly if he doesn't "care about the community" the tf is he updating all the servers for? Himself? Might want to actually not call him out for not "caring about us" before you learn to open up your eyes.
If you'd read his thread it says something like "Most will not be added, but feel free to suggest"
Perfect example of a cloak suck up (nothing intended towards cloakfox himself)
Perfect example of a cloak suck up (nothing intended towards cloakfox himself)
Not sucking up, just stating a blant statement that hardass wanna-be's like you want to say he is not worrying about the community. Don't act like tuffshit bud.***-but-when-i-do-its-over-the-internet-thumb.jpg
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In all honestly if he doesn't "care about the community" the tf is he updating all the servers for? Himself? Might want to actually not call him out for not "caring about us" before you learn to open up your eyes.

I need to open my eyes? I opened my eyes a long time ago no need to tell me that. First of I never said that he doesn't care about the community. You left out the mors importsnt word of this sentence which is"Probably". So inever said he didn't care about the community.
If you'd read his thread it says something like "Most will not be added, but feel free to suggest"
Why'd he say that? If we're free to suggest 'things' but most likely wil not be added, What's the ******* point pf suggesting?
I need to open my eyes? I opened my eyes a long time ago no need to tell me that. First of I never said that he doesn't care about the community. You left out the mors importsnt word of this sentence which is"Probably". So inever said he didn't care about the community.

Why'd he say that? If we're free to suggest 'things' but most likely wil not be added, What's the ******* point pf suggesting?
If you come up with decent suggestions I will add them, but things like "plz add creative to kitpvp cuss we veteran players liked it" Is just not gonna happen.

If you think im wrong please look up what a Survival server is.

Things like raiding with hoppers was never my intention to happen on survival since it was a bug with the buggy/crappy chest protection plugin at the time.
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Not sucking up, just stating a blant statement that hardass wanna-be's like you want to say he is not worrying about the community. Don't act like tuffshit bud.***-but-when-i-do-its-over-the-internet-thumb.jpg
Since my message was deleted, let me re-phrase the words I used. I said he wasn't doing what people wanted in Survival, not "he doesn't care"
not acting like a "hardass" because I am releasing my opinion, if you don't like it or have something that's stupid to say about me it's just showing you're the person you're trying to criticise me of being.
If you come up with decent suggestions I will add them, but things like "plz add creative to kitpvp cuss we veteran players liked it" Is just not gonna happen.
Veteran players.. Really, most of them already left because of this server being changed by a lot. Why'd change something in the first place when it's not broken? Take skyblock for example. Just think about this for a second, was a creative reset/revamp really needed? I mean the server wasn't broken nor had it a lack of players. So was it really necceseary to update the entire server? All do I liked it doesn't mean others did. This is just a perfect example of: "Why fix something when it's not broken".
If you think im wrong please look up what a Survival server is.
So you're admitting that you're copying of other survival servers now? Is that what you're trying to say or am I wrong here? Foxcraft is Foxcraft. Mineplex is Mineplex(dont even try reporting/banning me for this BS). There is a huge difference between the server but yet they have their own style. Every server should have their own unique style. What if every 'survival' server was the same on every minecraft server out there? What'd you think would happen? And with every server having it's own unique survival server with its own style there would be more players joining the server since players experience something brand new. "Not the same old survival server they had on BaestCraft(just an example)."
I'd just like to say:

If @Ksmudger's and @Baest's vision of Survival is considered "factions", then find a compromise. Don't make it all or nothing, find out what the people want. It seems to me that the two previously mentioned people and others strongly feel that raiding would improve survival. With no currency, and no shop, there would still be a HUGE difference between factions and survival. If that draws in a large enough playerbase, why would survival not have raiding?!

I really like raiding, and it'd be most likely draw me into playing survival more. I'm certainly excited for the update, and I want to try it out. I'm in favor of raiding and agree with Baest, Ksmudger, and Redthefox.

I'd also like to point out that it's easiest to communicate when we're not calling each other names, and becoming sort of hostile.
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Veteran players.. Really, most of them already left because of this server being changed by a lot. Why'd change something in the first place when it's not broken? Take skyblock for example. Just think about this for a second, was a creative reset/revamp really needed? I mean the server wasn't broken nor had it a lack of players. So was it really necceseary to update the entire server? All do I liked it doesn't mean others did. This is just a perfect example of: "Why fix something when it's not broken".

So you're admitting that you're copying of other survival servers now? Is that what you're trying to say or am I wrong here? Foxcraft is Foxcraft. Mineplex is Mineplex(dont even try reporting/banning me for this BS). There is a huge difference between the server but yet they have their own style. Every server should have their own unique style. What if every 'survival' server was the same on every minecraft server out there? What'd you think would happen? And with every server having it's own unique survival server with its own style there would be more players joining the server since players experience something brand new. "Not the same old survival server they had on BaestCraft(just an example)."
I never said we where fixing stuff that was broking, nor did Affixes.
And who again says we are not trying to make our servers unique over the other ones out there.
Survival is a plain gamemode, there is not much to it, there for also not much to make it unique from.

It's the same concept for all servers. Ofcourse there are all a like in some way.
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