You're probably thinking "why would people want a risk to their bases being destroyed or destroying others bases" well for starters it gives you something to FEAR when pro old players play it's easy nothing to do which is why it's completely dead and only has a couple players BECAUSE it's boring. Raiding was fun to do and actually made people hide their bases, claiming has changed it from vanilla to creative in survival. It needs a change and people hope you can do what we want with Survival. Yeah I understand that you say (factions is for raiding) there's never anything to raid and Survival raiding has a different approach like raiding the chest with a hopper minecart not with tnt cannons or anything.I don't get why you would like to raid in survival..
I loved sitting there looking as loot came into the hopper and you were WAITING for something goodErr, I hope that you don't bring /pet into Survival.. I'd say only have vanilla pets, such as dogs and cats. Anything with /pet I completely disagree, and hope very much will not be implemented into Survival.
As for hopper raiding, and the Lockette plugin, I think that that was the most BS part of raiding in 1.7. I'm pretty sure that hopper raiding wasn't exactly made that way to raid.. it was just a bug that let hoppers interact with the chests of the plugin. Honestly, I liked the LWC plugin, but that plugin is 99.99% raid proof.. so it's not exactly the most likeable plugin when people want to raid containers such as chests.