-Youtube Video / Need YouTube Rank-

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New Member
Jul 11, 2017
I have made a video on Foxcraft once but if you want i will do it again. I want the YouTube rank because i make fabulous videos of your server. My YouTube channel is called popstarqueen98, the video is called MiniGames. If I were you i would skip a bit in the video. Please can i have the YouTube Rank?
Welcome? For YouTube rank you should probably look in 'YouTube showcase' section of the forums and look for the format to get the YouTube rank, and anyway you need at least 100 views on each video.

EDIT: also you're mini games video was posted a year ago...
  • Have posted at least 5 videos on YouTube of you playing on Foxcraft, with the IP in the description (new videos only, not older than 3 months old).
  • Must get more than 100+ views per video (this may change anytime).
  • Subs are not that important to me, it's all about the views.
Those are the requirements to get a yt rank.
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