youtube rank

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You should really work on your grammar in your vids. You spelt the word tour wrong you said "toure".
[doublepost=1498504010,1498503977][/doublepost]And you are supposed to get 100 views or higher to get youtube rank.
Ok... also you are supposed to read the rules of the youtube rank. Obviously you didn't because you are asking me these questions. Lastly, you spelt or wrong you spelt it "ore"
Read the thread about the qualities you need for YT rank. Cloak does not care about the subscribers, it's all about the views. 5 videos are the least you can have. Good quality videos also stand out. Keep working at it, you will get there if you keep trying :)
Please read through the rules more and get more fimilar with them, you may re-apply once you have the requirements
  • Have posted at least 5 videos on YouTube of you playing on Foxcraft, with the IP in the description (new videos only, not older than 3 months old).
  • Must get more than 100+ views per video (this may change anytime).
  • Subs are not that important to me, it's all about the views.
Good luck and you're doing great!
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