YouTube Rank?

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New Member
Oct 13, 2016
Hey, so recently, I have been searching around the forums and I am not sure if there is a YouTube rank existing on this server. I do not see anybody with a "YouTuber" label on them, so it's making me think that it's IMPOSSIBLE to get the rank. If it does appear on this server, then please tell me! I've been wanting to check it out for some time! :)

Cheers my sly friends,
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Hey, so recently, I have been searching around the forums and I am not sure if there is a YouTube rank existing on this server.

Well, it isn't that hard to find haha.

On the Forum overvieuw you can find "Youtube showcase" (1 to the right, 1 to the bottom of general discussiuns, where you've posted this).
Then the very first (Sticky) thread is called "Youtube rank requirements" XD

And yes, I know he already knows where to find it haha
I'm afraid that's advertising. I need to check the rules before you ask that!
No that is not advertising. Advertising is when you're putting the IP of another server and telling people to play it or just putting that IP in general.

EDIT: However, it is advertising if you are telling people to check out your channel and your channel has NO videos on Foxcraft but it has a bunch of videos on a different server.
No that is not advertising. Advertising is when you're putting the IP of another server and telling people to play it or just putting that IP in general.

EDIT: However, it is advertising if you are telling people to check out your channel and your channel has NO videos on Foxcraft but it has a bunch of videos on a different server.
I don't have any videos of Foxcraft YET. But my channel is Modidagona if you want to check it out. I'll release a Foxcraft episode this weekend.
I'm afraid that's advertising. I need to check the rules before you ask that!
There is even a place to promote your youtube video's on the server, so nothing illegal, as long as it's about Foxcraft. But I don't know If you already made Foxcraft video's or if you're looking into making video's and get a youtuber rank.
There is even a place to promote your youtube video's on the server, so nothing illegal, as long as it's about Foxcraft. But I don't know If you already made Foxcraft video's or if you're looking into making video's and get a youtuber rank.
I didn't make any YET. When I do, I'm going to announce it someway.
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