YouTube rank?

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New Member
Jul 19, 2017
Hey Foxcraft!
I'm Wout, I'm 15 years old and I have a YT channel: GamingWout
I have 537 subscribers and if I want, I can get the 100 views per video.
Can I get YT rank pls, tomorow I gonna make the first video on your server, he becomes fantastic!
Greetings, Wout.
you need to use the required template and you have to have 5 vids on the server with 100 views on each
I know but can you pleas give me the rank now already? I gonna maken now 5 video's on your server with more than 100 views.
I know but can you pleas give me the rank now already? I gonna maken now 5 video's on your server with more than 100 views.
You have to have these requirements before you receive the rank not after:

  • Have posted at least 5 videos on YouTube of you playing on Foxcraft, with the IP in the description (new videos only, not older than 3 months old).
  • Must get more than 100+ views per video (this may change anytime).
  • Subs are not that important to me, it's all about the views.
You may re-apply for the rank once you have those requirements.
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