Y so much hate

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lol from my experience with this server, people will find anything to make fun of someone about... don't be bothered with kids making fun, its just immature brats who probably don't have great quality lives... just my opinion about people like that
Because he's an asshole and he made a fake PlayStation 4 giveaway just to get subscribers. His attitude is really bad towards people and when people get mad at him about stuff that HE causes he'll get all depressed and threaten to kill himself and talk about how his mom abuses him for attention and so people feel bad. Honestly I gave him over 10 chances with being friends with me and he fucked it up everytime.

@GlazedBear @Dogeweed @Eftro have explanations as well.

Edit: he gets mad too easy over the stupidest ****. I asked him when he was going to announce the winner of the ps4 giveaway and he just tells me to stfu and calls me a faggot..

Edit2: there's a lot more things about him that this community doesn't know about glazedbear doje and eftro will tell ya..
lol from my experience with this server, people will find anything to make fun of someone about... don't be bothered with kids making fun, its just immature brats who probably don't have great quality lives... just my opinion about people like that
If you legitimately knew GlazedPup...you would understand
So you are complaining that I hate him, which I don't. I just don't like his personality. Making fake ps4 giveaways just to gain subscribers is really such a dirty thing. I worked my *** off to gain subscribers on making videos and it's not easy trust me. It takes hours of work and dedication to make a video. @TGMDom @DontLie @SuperAnimeCraft can tell you that it takes a lot of work to make videos. For example @DontLie takes many hours on making his nightcore music and it's not easy to do. He needs to compete with other Youtubers who make nightcore music and he works really hard to beat them. That is why he has 700+ Subscribers and he doesn't do any dirty tricks for them.
I was telling GlazedPup on skype to change his personality or life wouldn't be hard for him. He just ignored me and started to harass me so I blocked him on skype.
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