Woah, this is so different...

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New Member
Jun 18, 2016
I used to be a super admin on here, I think I got the rank like 2-3 years ago. I checked up on the server sometimes just to see how its doing and see who's still on. Just got back on and its a lot different, not for the worst mind you. Nice job cloak with the server.
Haha thanks. A lot of memories were made on this server. Most of them good :)
One of the original
Welcome back! :)
Thanks, this server has always been a blast! I do however need some help, it seems I may have lost my rank. Or maybe it just doesn't show next to the name anymore or at the main hub? I don't know, I haven't been on in like 6 months before this. I just wanted to make sure its all working out.
Thanks, this server has always been a blast! I do however need some help, it seems I may have lost my rank. Or maybe it just doesn't show next to the name anymore or at the main hub? I don't know, I haven't been on in like 6 months before this. I just wanted to make sure its all working out.
Yeah it doesn't show your rank on the hub.
Yeah it doesn't show your rank on the hub.
Ah alright gotcha, just making sure.
Yeah it doesn't show your rank on the hub.
Hey, you sure I've got my rank? I'm playing prison right now and I can't go into the Donor + (I assume that means Donor + and above, maybe I'm wrong) area. And my name still looks normal, sorry for troubling you.
Ah alright gotcha, just making sure.
Hey, you sure I've got my rank? I'm playing prison right now and I can't go into the Donor + (I assume that means Donor + and above, maybe I'm wrong) area. And my name still looks normal, sorry for troubling you.
Nevermind, working now :) and figured out opprison is for higher ranks.
Nevermind, working now :) and figured out opprison is for higher ranks.
Wait, maybe not I don't know. Haha.
I used to be a super admin on here, I think I got the rank like 2-3 years ago. I checked up on the server sometimes just to see how its doing and see who's still on. Just got back on and its a lot different, not for the worst mind you. Nice job cloak with the server.
Hey! Welcome back.
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