lol y r u so madThis whole argument is so stupid. Instead of making ''offensive'' or ''not offensive'' gay jokes can you just shut up? Like honestly its clearly in the rules like you guys think ProbationZ or Ambology writes that ****? I have nothing against gay people but you people exaggerate this so much.
Everyone makes mistakes stop taking it out of context. Just @ them or discord or whatever explaining the situation and im sure the staff will correct themself. The fact that you called this ''abuse of power'' is actually stupid.
I have so many questions about this. You're basically saying you want the staff to mute you for homophobia because you're makes gay slurs and the staff is supposed to know if its a joke or not? Instead of making these kinds of ''jokes'' could you just not? Why you gotta be a pain in the *** to the staff team by making these stupid jokes that aren't even funny? If the staff mutes you for homophobia its your own fault for making a joke about being gay you're just making excuses to blame it on the staff team.
I could go on for way longer but i'll spare you the rest. Just don't make gay jokes whether they are offensive or not. The only thing you're doing is giving the staff hard time and personally when i see someone makes a joke about someone being gay or people talk about being gay i get uncomfortable. I mean good for you but not everybody wants to hear it.
Because the staff team is being blamed for the dumb actions of certain players. Instead of flaming prob or ambo they should look at themself first but sadly they y r u so mad
Here's the thing, I am either going to allow the word fully and have it have no punishment, or I'm not going to allow the word at all. If we allow it people will use it derogatorily and then claim it was the other way, we've had that issue since day one. I'm not going to have to let the staff decide if it was offensive or not because we both know people will just exploit that and make it a bigger issue than it is. Then the staff team gets all the hate for it. Also, what is offensive to one person may not be to another, so you can't have that big of a gray area without it making people upset. I would prefer the word to not be allowed at all because there is no difference between 2 gay people making jokes about being gay and 2 black people saying the n word, but we don't allow the n word at all so why should we allow this? I understand that it's probably frustrating but we can't please each side, and not having the word allowed at all avoids more issues.
I 100% agree with everything you're saying. The word gay should be a banned word and maybe have the same punishments as saying the n word.Hello,
Here's the thing, I am either going to allow the word fully and have it have no punishment, or I'm not going to allow the word at all. If we allow it people will use it derogatorily and then claim it was the other way, we've had that issue since day one. I'm not going to have to let the staff decide if it was offensive or not because we both know people will just exploit that and make it a bigger issue than it is. Then the staff team gets all the hate for it. Also, what is offensive to one person may not be to another, so you can't have that big of a gray area without it making people upset. I would prefer the word to not be allowed at all because there is no difference between 2 gay people making jokes about being gay and 2 black people saying the n word, but we don't allow the n word at all so why should we allow this? I understand that it's probably frustrating but we can't please each side, and not having the word allowed at all avoids more issues.
''I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with making jokes about a topic you relate on with another person.'' So basically you're saying that 2 black people can make n word jokes to each other aswell?
I'm just upset this big group of people is trying to attack the staff team for doing their job.
''I asked the staff team to think of a better way of punishing for it.'' I get this but this isn't up to the mods or helper to change the punishments you'll probably have to talk to the big boys.
Black people literally use the n word to each other tho? Its a bad comparison.
Like i said everyone makes mistakes. To be fair you did say something about gay people and ProbationZ could've seen that as offensive, even if it wasn't meant to be. I don't see how anyone is abusing their powers here. Its also his decision whether to mute or not so maybe he reason the other people didn't get muted or he didn't see it, idk.
''I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with making jokes about a topic you relate on with another person.'' So basically you're saying that 2 black people can make n word jokes to each other aswell?
I'm just upset this big group of people is trying to attack the staff team for doing their job.
''I asked the staff team to think of a better way of punishing for it.'' I get this but this isn't up to the mods or helper to change the punishments you'll probably have to talk to the big boys.
Like i said everyone makes mistakes. To be fair you did say something about gay people and ProbationZ could've seen that as offensive, even if it wasn't meant to be. I don't see how anyone is abusing their powers here. Its also his decision whether to mute or not so maybe he reason the other people didn't get muted or he didn't see it, idk.
Here's the thing, I am either going to allow the word fully and have it have no punishment, or I'm not going to allow the word at all. If we allow it people will use it derogatorily and then claim it was the other way, we've had that issue since day one. I'm not going to have to let the staff decide if it was offensive or not because we both know people will just exploit that and make it a bigger issue than it is. Then the staff team gets all the hate for it. Also, what is offensive to one person may not be to another, so you can't have that big of a gray area without it making people upset. I would prefer the word to not be allowed at all because there is no difference between 2 gay people making jokes about being gay and 2 black people saying the n word, but we don't allow the n word at all so why should we allow this? I understand that it's probably frustrating but we can't please each side, and not having the word allowed at all avoids more issues.
first of all, let me look around to see if anyone f'ing asked? second, you're ''new member'' because you have like no posts so you have no idea what you're talking about. third, my mom is more relevant than you. If you have nothing to add to the convo go away.Foxcraft is not worth it, it's about time to move on into a new game/server
The growth of it (and the mentality of the staff team) since i joined the server is really really disappointing...................
Contrary to my "new member" status and account creation date, i played since 2016 (which is longer then most of the staff team). So those salty f*** can now stop rage typing "yOu dIdN'T evEn pLaY fOr tHaT LonG, sTfU nooB!".
My dude, I think this server might just not work with you. If you don't like how the staff or other players act, then yes it probably is best you try somewhere else that better meets your needs. But coming here and saying these things is not productive to anyone and there are quite a few of us who genuinely enjoy this server and don't think the same as you do.Foxcraft is not worth it, it's about time to move on into a new game/server
The growth of it (and the mentality of the staff team) since i joined the server is really really disappointing...................
Contrary to my "new member" status and account creation date, i played since 2016 (which is longer then most of the staff team). So those salty f*** can now stop rage typing "yOu dIdN'T evEn pLaY fOr tHaT LonG, sTfU nooB!".
danggg bro imagine being a snitchhhh. I couldnt care less about getting punished but if you have something against me have the balls to speak to me bruh.
Using the word "gay" to describe something that isn't gay in a negative manner can be seen as offensive to some members of the LGBT+ community. This can be seen as derogative and thus, offensive.Me, a gay, who constantly calls my bf and his actions gay as a joke:
There is a difference between gay jokes that are offensive and jokes that are not offenssive. If the issue is the staff can't tell the difference just say thats the issue.
I think the original problem is that staff are now muting for simply mentioning the word gay, rather than muting for homophobia.We`re all humans with our own opinions however I still don`t allow the word even if its a joke. Being part of the staff team is fun but takes alot of
I do not understand why people get mad against staff members because they ``false mute'' somebody. If they start making homophobic jokes with your name wouldn`t you rather have that certain player muted? instead of complaining for other players.
Try to see what the other player`s perspectives are and maybe think twice what would happen if we allowed the word.
-Easily exploited
-bigger issues
-players get offended due the fact that they were just ``joking'' about it
The staff team is always trying their best to keep the community under control. I do not have anything against gay people but please just know we`re only here to help.