When will players on Foxcraft be able to have a opinion.

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Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
So, my post was closed asking about perfectly reasonable issues that have to do with the LGBTQ community and a word that describes us. Which is fine, the post can still be liked and shared around which is all that matters to me.

My Thread

I hope that staff of Foxcraft can allow players to sometimes not agree with the rules inplace and have a normal discussion about the rules. Nothing I said was disrespectful or unfair, and I would of liked to see who LGBTQ members of Foxcraft are and what their opinions about this topic may have been. It would of been an interesting and eye opening conversation had by all and its unfortunate that it didn't continue.

ProbationZ Original Post

1580579903154.pngProbationZ Changed Post
1580580009151.pngWe all realize that staff is trying to keep Foxcraft as a fun place without bullying, but players are trying to do that as well. The post that he attached. https://www.mcfoxcraft.com/threads/suggestion-allow-us-to-use-the-word-gay.11909/
It is from 2017. A majority of the staff members that are on now did not play in 2017, and I am almost sure that most of the players have not seen this post. Almost all of the staff weren't even apart of the staff team when this post came out. Elyseeh, the admin, didn't even join until 2018. I don't think there is anything wrong with the players of today sharing their experiences and opinions about this topic considering it hasn't been covered in 3 years.

I am not trying to have any problems with staff, or point people out, or call people names and I don't think anyone else is either. This has been an issue that multiple players can vouch for. Players have been muted for identifying as gay in chat, talking about LGBTQ issues, etc. All I want to do is have a conversation.

Hopefully this thread wont is closed.


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When you silence those who are speaking and claim to support their issue, it shows the true Homophobia in the response
Me, a gay, who constantly calls my bf and his actions gay as a joke:

There is a difference between gay jokes that are offensive and jokes that are not offenssive. If the issue is the staff can't tell the difference just say thats the issue.
Me, a gay, who constantly calls my bf and his actions gay as a joke:

There is a difference between gay jokes that are offensive and jokes that are not offenssive. If the issue is the staff can't tell the difference just say thats the issue.
like actual NPC bots that just mute regardless of context

In this post you can clearly see a man being called ousted in chat as being gay, used in an offensive manor. I decided to steer the conversation away from outing this person by saying that its a requirement to be gay on the server. This was an attempt to show the person they are not alone in this fight to just be treated like anyone else. Instead of muting the people who used gay in an offensive and homophobic manor, joking at this persons expense, Ambology (instructed by ProbationZ) muted me instead of those doing the true harm.

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If it's not clearly bothering anybody how can it be taken as an offense?
Nobody seems to be clearly offended by it yet staff makes it a much more big deal than it is
If it's not clearly bothering anybody how can it be taken as an offense?
Nobody seems to be clearly offended by it yet staff makes it a much more big deal than it is
And if there was someone that was offended by the way someone used the word they could report?
This whole argument is so stupid. Instead of making ''offensive'' or ''not offensive'' gay jokes can you just shut up? Like honestly its clearly in the rules like you guys think ProbationZ or Ambology writes that ****? I have nothing against gay people but you people exaggerate this so much.

In this post you can clearly see a man being called ousted in chat as being gay, used in an offensive manor. I decided to steer the conversation away from outing this person by saying that its a requirement to be gay on the server. This was an attempt to show the person they are not alone in this fight to just be treated like anyone else. Instead of muting the people who used gay in an offensive and homophobic manor, joking at this persons expense, Ambology (instructed by ProbationZ) muted me instead of those doing the true harm.

Everyone makes mistakes stop taking it out of context. Just @ them or discord or whatever explaining the situation and im sure the staff will correct themself. The fact that you called this ''abuse of power'' is actually stupid.

Me, a gay, who constantly calls my bf and his actions gay as a joke:

There is a difference between gay jokes that are offensive and jokes that are not offenssive. If the issue is the staff can't tell the difference just say thats the issue.
I have so many questions about this. You're basically saying you want the staff to mute you for homophobia because you're makes gay slurs and the staff is supposed to know if its a joke or not? Instead of making these kinds of ''jokes'' could you just not? Why you gotta be a pain in the *** to the staff team by making these stupid jokes that aren't even funny? If the staff mutes you for homophobia its your own fault for making a joke about being gay you're just making excuses to blame it on the staff team.

I could go on for way longer but i'll spare you the rest. Just don't make gay jokes whether they are offensive or not. The only thing you're doing is giving the staff hard time and personally when i see someone makes a joke about someone being gay or people talk about being gay i get uncomfortable. I mean good for you but not everybody wants to hear it.
This whole argument is so stupid. Instead of making ''offensive'' or ''not offensive'' gay jokes can you just shut up? Like honestly its clearly in the rules like you guys think ProbationZ or Ambology writes that ****? I have nothing against gay people but you people exaggerate this so much.

Everyone makes mistakes stop taking it out of context. Just @ them or discord or whatever explaining the situation and im sure the staff will correct themself. The fact that you called this ''abuse of power'' is actually stupid.

I have so many questions about this. You're basically saying you want the staff to mute you for homophobia because you're makes gay slurs and the staff is supposed to know if its a joke or not? Instead of making these kinds of ''jokes'' could you just not? Why you gotta be a pain in the *** to the staff team by making these stupid jokes that aren't even funny? If the staff mutes you for homophobia its your own fault for making a joke about being gay you're just making excuses to blame it on the staff team.

I could go on for way longer but i'll spare you the rest. Just don't make gay jokes whether they are offensive or not. The only thing you're doing is giving the staff hard time and personally when i see someone makes a joke about someone being gay or people talk about being gay i get uncomfortable. I mean good for you but not everybody wants to hear it.
why hostility I just didn’t want my forum post closed and to continue to have a conversation-
I’m unsure why you are so upset but sure go off

We know amber and probations don’t write the rules but I never said they did? I asked the staff team to think of a better way of punishing for it. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with making jokes about a topic you relate on with another person. I’m not one to talk about that stuff, but I just thought I should say something about it since mutes for it happen literally all the time.

I really don’t know why you’re so mad like “a pain in the *** to the staff team” chill out lol. Nobody is trying to bully the staff team I just wanted to see the opinions of everyone on my original post but it was closed.

I still got some opinions from other people so I guess it worked out fine :-)
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This whole argument is so stupid. Instead of making ''offensive'' or ''not offensive'' gay jokes can you just shut up? Like honestly its clearly in the rules like you guys think ProbationZ or Ambology writes that ****? I have nothing against gay people but you people exaggerate this so much.

Everyone makes mistakes stop taking it out of context. Just @ them or discord or whatever explaining the situation and im sure the staff will correct themself. The fact that you called this ''abuse of power'' is actually stupid.

I have so many questions about this. You're basically saying you want the staff to mute you for homophobia because you're makes gay slurs and the staff is supposed to know if its a joke or not? Instead of making these kinds of ''jokes'' could you just not? Why you gotta be a pain in the *** to the staff team by making these stupid jokes that aren't even funny? If the staff mutes you for homophobia its your own fault for making a joke about being gay you're just making excuses to blame it on the staff team.

I could go on for way longer but i'll spare you the rest. Just don't make gay jokes whether they are offensive or not. The only thing you're doing is giving the staff hard time and personally when i see someone makes a joke about someone being gay or people talk about being gay i get uncomfortable. I mean good for you but not everybody wants to hear it.

Way to alienate people who play on the server just voicing their opinion. You add nothing to the conversation. Also It is quite clearly an abuse of power Ayza. Upon reporting this incident the case was closed and I was told I was homophobic by ProbationZ, no mute was issued for the other people involved. There was no justice issued and it was swept under the rug by the very person WHO MADE THE CALL TO MUTE. Abuse of power clearly stands in this case as it was not left to a staff member who was not involved in this incident to give the impartial judgement.
why hostility I just didn’t want my forum post closed and to continue to have a conversation-
I’m unsure why you are so upset but sure go off

We know amber and probations don’t write the rules but I never said they did? I asked the staff team to think of a better way of punishing for it. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with making jokes about a topic you relate on with another person. I’m not one to talk about that stuff, but I just thought I should say something about it since mutes for it happen literally all the time.

I really don’t know why you’re so mad like “a pain in the *** to the staff team” chill out lol. Nobody is trying to bully the staff team I just wanted to see the opinions of everyone on my original post but it was closed.

I still got some opinions from other people so I guess it worked out fine :)
''I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with making jokes about a topic you relate on with another person.'' So basically you're saying that 2 black people can make n word jokes to each other aswell?

I'm just upset this big group of people is trying to attack the staff team for doing their job.

''I asked the staff team to think of a better way of punishing for it.'' I get this but this isn't up to the mods or helper to change the punishments you'll probably have to talk to the big boys.

Way to alienate people who play on the server just voicing their opinion. You add nothing to the conversation. Also It is quite clearly an abuse of power Ayza. Upon reporting this incident the case was closed and I was told I was homophobic by ProbationZ, no mute was issued for the other people involved. There was no justice issued and it was swept under the rug by the very person WHO MADE THE CALL TO MUTE. Abuse of power clearly stands in this case as it was not left to a staff member who was not involved in this incident to give the impartial judgement.

Like i said everyone makes mistakes. To be fair you did say something about gay people and ProbationZ could've seen that as offensive, even if it wasn't meant to be. I don't see how anyone is abusing their powers here. Its also his decision whether to mute or not so maybe he reason the other people didn't get muted or he didn't see it, idk.
''I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with making jokes about a topic you relate on with another person.'' So basically you're saying that 2 black people can make n word jokes to each other aswell?

I'm just upset this big group of people is trying to attack the staff team for doing their job.

''I asked the staff team to think of a better way of punishing for it.'' I get this but this isn't up to the mods or helper to change the punishments you'll probably have to talk to the big boys.

Like i said everyone makes mistakes. To be fair you did say something about gay people and ProbationZ could've seen that as offensive, even if it wasn't meant to be. I don't see how anyone is abusing their powers here. Its also his decision whether to mute or not so maybe he reason the other people didn't get muted or he didn't see it, idk.

I’m not black so I can’t argue that.. and I know it’s not up to mods and helpers but that’s why I made it a forum post so the “big boys” would see it

That’s always what I do even with suggestions instead of getting mad to helpers and mods about it. The forum being closed added salt to the wound when originally no staff members were even brought up by name. Literally no one would of known who was involved if probationz didn’t close the post with a statement and amber likes it.
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