When is Gay O.K?

Do you think there needs to be a different way of punishing people for using the word gay?

  • Do you think there needs to be a different way of punishing people for using the word gay?

  • Yes, it’s not that serious

  • No, staff need to continue to punish people for using the word.

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Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
B50FD5F4-0336-41E8-8BB1-8AD1D77EBDA5.jpegFor a while now the word Gay has been against the rules and a mutable offense.

I feel like being gay isn’t an insulting thing at all. There’s a lots of LGBTQ people on Foxcraft anyway, so I really don’t understand the way gay is being taken out of context and made into a mute able offense.

I think it’s important to understand the context of how people are using the word gay whether it be as an insult or whether it be as a joke. I think there’s a better way to go about punishing people for using the word gay and understanding what context is being used in.

There is some staff that have understood the context of the joke or ask the context before muting someone for using the word.
I think there’s just a better way to go about punishing people for using the word instead of punishing people any time the word gay is used.

Feel free to sound off in the comments
it's 2020, people make being gay such a big deal as it is not. Punishing for the word makes it seem as though the word means something bad. The word has more than one meaning and if you get offended so bad by it then you need to come to your senses
The staff need to be trained on this sensitive issue! Hopefully they will understand what's homophobic and what is not in the future. +1
I agree! Gay is a standard term in the LGBTQ+ community and is used a lot as terms of endearment or jokes between friends. The jokes can be seen as being potentially being offenssive by people not in the community, but if shown to a person in the community they will not feel its offenssive.

I think context if very important in deciding if someone using the term is a punishable offense or not. An easy way of doing this is seeing how the person being called it reacts.
Using the word "gay" jokingly is wrong and disrespectful. Also, using it in a derogatory way as an insult is still disrespectful and wrong. Using the word gay is allowed and has been allowed on the server for a while since 2017 ---> (https://www.mcfoxcraft.com/threads/suggestion-allow-us-to-use-the-word-gay.11909/ ) as long as used respectfully and without the intent to insult others, failure to do so will result in a mute. Also, this is a Minecraft server, we are here to have fun and play with friends not worry about people being bullied and harassed with homophobic slurs which is why we mute for this.
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