what the hell?

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Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
I am knightvincent and I come to report a false mute!
I killed planecool in the game and just after that exinfinity muted me for homophobia ? WHY is that? I killed his friend this is why he did it cause I didn't say anything *gay* and he muted me just because his friend wanted it..
this is abuse of power!
I want to see a screen of prove of what I did wrong or he abuses his power as staff That, means maybe not suitable for the job ?

tell me what happend wrong?
I am knightvincent and I come to report a false mute!
I killed planecool in the game and just after that exinfinity muted me for homophobia ? WHY is that? I killed his friend this is why he did it cause I didn't say anything *gay* and he muted me just because his friend wanted it..
this is abuse of power!
I want to see a screen of prove of what I did wrong or he abuses his power as staff That, means maybe not suitable for the job ?

tell me what happend wrong?
Not to mini-mod or anything, but you need screenshotted proof of this for any action to be taken. Sorry!
If this is really a big problem cloak can look at logs and see what your saying is abuse. I don't think it is and your not telling full story.
Please go to 'ban appeals' and click on the first thread there and copy the format into a new thread
None of this can have something done about it unless there is proof and you post this thread in the right place
Im sorry but I cant find the good places all the time and yeah i forgot to make screenshot... But I don't lie about it and cloakfox may look if I said something wrong.:(
[doublepost=1467803350,1467803319][/doublepost]for now this apply can be closed cause its to late for screen...
I am assuming that the mute was only for an hour, so since you should be unmuted now, there shouldn't be a problem. I know you must be frustrated because you claim it to be a false mute, but (as said above) we cannot do anything without evidence of this. If you wish to discuss any other issues about possible staff abuse or wishing to be unmuted/unbanned, please contact a staff member through PM or post a thread here: http://www.mcfoxcraft.com/forums/appeals.24/

I will close this thread, but if @ExInfinity has any input on this, I can open it for him to respond or I believe he can just post while this is still closed.
[17:29:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] KnightVincent : /r if that iron fagg did not backstap me
[17:24:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] KnightVincent : /r ez fagg

That's why
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