Well boys, I have some news.

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Rip Owen.
Hope you pull a Kobeer and come back, Foxcraft needs more staff members like yourself.

byeeee and good luck with your last year of high school
Hello Foxcraft,​

Today is the day I would like to announce something that I've been holding in for a while now. Some of you might take this as a surprise, and others might've had prior knowledge to this. I'm sure a lot of people will be so happy to see this thread, and others who are actually upset.

That's enough beating around the bush for me. I'm giving up my position as Administrator and resigning from the staff team. Now, there are countless reasons on why I've decided to do this, most of which I'm not going to discuss with you all today, but among the main reasons is because I want to move on with my life. I'm a senior in High school and am overwhelmed with school work, planning for the future, applying to colleges and enlisting into the Military. I feel like I dedicate too much of my time into Foxcraft that I could be spending trying to better myself. With me resigning, I obviously won't be on as much as I was previously but I'll definitely still come on from time to time.

I'm not going to include one of those cliche "Thank you to all these people listed below" or make special personal messages dedicated to specific people. There are far too many of you to thank for me to be able to do that. So all I can say is thank you all, so very much for everything (Even the people who have given me nothing but hard times, I really do appreciate you all too). Some of you I doubt I will ever forget, and for some of you I'll want nothing more than to forget you. Joking aside, I hope I can stay in contact with as many of you as possible.

I've been a member among this community since 2012 when I was still known as "yoshi42700" (Yes, very cringey, I know) so I've spent all but 5 years of my life in this community, and being a staff for just about one of those years. Foxcraft has been a relatively big part of my life and I do hate seeing it fade away as it has, but all things come to an end eventually.

Again, thank you all for everything. For those of you I don't keep in contact with I wish the best to you in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a great day.​

Helper: Nov 14, 2016
Moderator: Dec 07, 2016
Administrator: Feb 23, 2017
Friend: Oct 08, 2017
-Yoahi, Retired Staff Member​
Good luck daddy.... + you've been friendly creature <3.... ~IISAG3R
[doublepost=1507731000,1507730929][/doublepost]Hug me melaniee :(
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