TNT does not drop Nylium but rather reverts it back into Nether rack and so this will be a manual harvest design. I know, I know. but it has to be this way.
There are 2 ways of introducing the nether rack into the machine, one is with the observer ticking the piston, (fast), and the other is to use a redstone torch and dust to power the piston when a block is placed in front of it. Both methods work.
Once 12 blocks have been placed the row of pistons will fire, moving the 12 blocks and then a row of dispensers with bonemeal will convert the Nether rack into Nylium.

An observer detects the 12th block and activates 2 sticky pistons that have observers attached to them. This is how I get a single pulse from an observer that is seeing 2 actions.
The reason for 2 sticky pistons is 1 activates the row of normal pistons and the other activates the row of dispensers. The first observer tick activates the pistons that trigger the redstone lines, then the observer ticks again to bring the pistons back, which has no redstone line to interact with. If you want to get the 2 pulses for the dispenser line then place a solid block above the redstone dust at the end. This is incase you want to also bonemeal the Nylium to get plants and saplings as you make the Nylium.
The dispensers are triggered via the observers watching the redstone line underneath.

Here it is functioning in survival on Foxcraft. When using the machine it will sometimes stop when a 13th block is placed before the 12 get moved, for that reason the redstone torch and dust method is more reliable and steady. With the observer I try to count as I place but its so fast that I jam up the machine most times.

Villager approval rating (1). could be better. I place blocks around the build that are not easy to break with a pickaxe.
Harvest time so get your silk touch pick ready for action. *(goes to nether and farms Nylium, no machine required) Danger Will Robinson.
This might be a redstone machine that gets a nerf, time will tell. For now it functions.
Hope this helps, have fun out there.
There are 2 ways of introducing the nether rack into the machine, one is with the observer ticking the piston, (fast), and the other is to use a redstone torch and dust to power the piston when a block is placed in front of it. Both methods work.
Once 12 blocks have been placed the row of pistons will fire, moving the 12 blocks and then a row of dispensers with bonemeal will convert the Nether rack into Nylium.

An observer detects the 12th block and activates 2 sticky pistons that have observers attached to them. This is how I get a single pulse from an observer that is seeing 2 actions.
The reason for 2 sticky pistons is 1 activates the row of normal pistons and the other activates the row of dispensers. The first observer tick activates the pistons that trigger the redstone lines, then the observer ticks again to bring the pistons back, which has no redstone line to interact with. If you want to get the 2 pulses for the dispenser line then place a solid block above the redstone dust at the end. This is incase you want to also bonemeal the Nylium to get plants and saplings as you make the Nylium.
The dispensers are triggered via the observers watching the redstone line underneath.

Here it is functioning in survival on Foxcraft. When using the machine it will sometimes stop when a 13th block is placed before the 12 get moved, for that reason the redstone torch and dust method is more reliable and steady. With the observer I try to count as I place but its so fast that I jam up the machine most times.

Villager approval rating (1). could be better. I place blocks around the build that are not easy to break with a pickaxe.
Harvest time so get your silk touch pick ready for action. *(goes to nether and farms Nylium, no machine required) Danger Will Robinson.
This might be a redstone machine that gets a nerf, time will tell. For now it functions.
Hope this helps, have fun out there.