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Oct 4, 2016
So in case you hadn't noticed (or if you don't know me from before), I'm not using my usual profile picture, I'm using a custom one with a version of myself I made with walfas. Now, if you don't know what walfas are, walfas are basically the sort of art style that that is made in, and it's a really simple to learn program if you're willing to put time into it. I got into it and it has been really fun
Example of something I've done with walfas:

Anyway, so if anyone wanted me to do something like that, or make something for them using walfas, I would be happy to oblige, seeing how I enjoy it. Please note that there are limits to what I can do, but I will try my best and work around any limitations if possible
[doublepost=1475617337,1475599279][/doublepost]When I said anything you guys wanted with walfas, I mean any suggestions for something you want me to do for my channel or anything you want made specifically for you, characters, scenes, maybe an Outro slide for a youtube video? Anything, and I'll tell you if there's something I can't do with the limitations of the program, and I will try to work around it
[doublepost=1475644776][/doublepost]Edit: Part of me wishes I could change the title to something more eye catching than just "Walfas", but looks like I'm stuck with that. Look guys, help me help you make cool stuff, and I realize this is a separate post and not an edit, and that's because I can't actually edit my posts on this thread for some reason
Try my skin. xD I'll probably use it in a future video, if I make one anytime soon.
Fox Walfa.PNG
Here's the character, want anything specific done with it?
I can change the hair too if you want
[doublepost=1475694398,1475689826][/doublepost]I made two, one with your name
RedTheFox Slide.PNG
And one that says thanks for watching
RedTheFox Slide alternate.PNG
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Neat, but do you think you can take away the hair and make the skin orange? I also don't want it wearing a skirt, if that is one.
Not a skirt, can't change the skin, sorry
Could it look roughly like me?
I don't exactly want this public, so when you've seen it can I delete the pic? It'd be great if it looked like I was wearing a hoodie and jeans.

Great work so far, and thanks!
You could have pm'd me lol, but sure
Thanks. xD Maybe add some shorts? Sorry for making you go through all this. :/
I'm sorry, but due to the limitations of the program, that's the best I can do. That is the only orange body available, pants are part of the body section and therefore cannot be picked individually. The skin tone cannot be changed either. Like I said, that's the best I can do
I'm sorry, but due to the limitations of the program, that's the best I can do. That is the only orange body available, pants are part of the body section and therefore cannot be picked individually. The skin tone cannot be changed either. Like I said, that's the best I can do
Ok, thanks. Already saved it. :P
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