Trouble with Piglin Spawners in new Oneblock 1.20


New Member
Aug 18, 2023
I don't know if it because the world is set to Normal but I can not get Piglins to be aggressive in the overworld nor in the nether. Docile Piglins drop next to nothing so pretty useless in terms of a gold farm. They also do not convert to zombies when spawned in the overworld. Please help.
yeah i also noticed that piglins won't change into zombified piglins when spawned in the overworld.
maybe its a bug or maybe its an undocumented change that wasn't on the most resent set of changes list.
whatever it is it made the piglin spawners pretty useless cuz normal piglins don't drop rotten flesh or gold when killed
I just tested with my other spawners and all mobs are unable to be aggroed. I think this is a bug. It is like they are in Easy mode. I just created a bug report.
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I think it’s done on purpose for server performance, but not sure.
It seems that spawners should have the same behavior as naturally spawned monsters. It still stacks the mobs so should not be a performance issue.