Trouble breeding on my island, and not recieving all of my purchase.

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New Member
Jan 20, 2023
Hi, I'm Eve.

I'm trying to get a hold of some of the staff for help. None of my animals *or* villagers will breed on my island. Most haven't since the beginning, but the villagers did, and I was happy with that. Now I cannot breed anymore.

In addition to that, the other day I bought the minions full bundle and did not receive the miner minion. I also purchased a February key at that time and did not receive it, either.

My in game name is EvelRavenloch, if that helps.

Really hope to hear from you soon!
Hi Eve!

I'm sorry to hear that your entities stopped breeding, I would love to hear more about this. How many entities are there on your island? Where did they come from (spawner / spawn egg / oneblock)? With this additional information I'm sure we can fill out a sufficient bug report ticket for the development monkeys:cool:.

Any issues regarding the payment / receiving of items from the store can be addressed here.

Hope to hear back from you soon and have a great day,
Hi, thank you for responding.
I have 14 villagers, 4 of which came from eggs, two from the block, and the rest were bred before they stopped breeding.

I also have 7 sheep, a horse, two chickens, two cows, and 6 pigs, all from the one block.

Thanks again for getting back to me!
The villagers could be a result from the chunk limit. Try the command /checkchunk to see if your chunk exceeds this limit.
The other animals won't breed as well?
I just did /checkchunk in multiple places around my island. It never exceeds 5/10 even when I'm standing in the middle of 12...
Okay! We've talked about this in-game and the issue should be solved by spreading the entities more instead of clumping them together. Thanks!
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