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New Member
Jul 12, 2016
tqzz muted me for being racist but all I did was ask if Asians smaller eye size effect their vision, and asll the other people were harrassing people and being annoying so please ban me and give the other people ranks , I also would like some tostitos and an empanada im quite hungry , how is everyones corona break I have a break during a break and its cool school sucks
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also how many numbers are in a billion I feel like its a billion but then I feel like its not cus if u couint I feel like its more than a billion numbers like is a billion a billion or 100 million times 100 million or 900 million plus 100 million or do numbers not exist also how did I evoilve from a monkey if monkeys have bigger mouths and only eat bananasd I have the capacity to esat multiple bananas but I like empanadas too I eat a lot of them also what is a noun is it a person place or thing cus there a re a lot of things like a verb is a thing so is a verb a noun? like so confusing also y does the world cult remind me of a horse shoe?
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